Minutes from the June 6, 2016 Multimodal Interaction Working Group call

Apologies for not sending our meeting minutes to this list on a more regular

Today Dr. Dirk Dr. Dirk Schnelle-Walka, Harman International, Connected Car
Division joined us to discuss his earlier comments [1] on the use case wiki


[1] comments:

[2] use cases: https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized 




and below as text.




      [1] http://www.w3.org/


                               - DRAFT -




06 Jun 2016


   See also: [2]IRC log


      [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/06-multimodal-irc





          Debbie, Helena, Dirk, Kaz











     * [3]Topics

         1. [4]Actions

         2. [5]Use Case Wiki

     * [6]Summary of Action Items

     * [7]Summary of Resolutions



   <scribe> scribenick: kaz


   <inserted> This week Dr. Dirk Schnelle-Walka from Harman

   International, Connected Car Division joined us to discuss MMI

   use cases.






   <trackbot> action-440 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Tell wot ig about

   our bullet points for the technology landscape -- due

   2016-05-23 -- OPEN





      [8] https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/440


   kaz: talked with the WoT IG

   ... and got OK to submit the bullet points on MMI

   ... still need to submit the actual text to GitHub using



   close action-440


   <trackbot> Closed action-440.


   <scribe> ACTION: Kaz to submit bullet points on MMI to the WoT

   Landscape document on GitHub [recorded in




   <trackbot> Created ACTION-441 - Submit bullet points on mmi to

   the wot landscape document on github [on Kazuyuki Ashimura -

   due 2016-06-13].


   ddahl: explains the above action to Dirk

   ... liaison with WoT IG

   ... Kaz will submit the text


Use Case Wiki


   -> [10]https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized Use

   Case wiki


     [10] https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized


  ddahl: Helena and Dirk met before?


   helena: no

   ... Helena working on MMI discovery

   ... now CTO of an enterprise company


   dirk: post-doc research on mmi an ubiquitous

   ... also developed open source VoiceXML system

   ... trying to support more modalities for car infortainments

   ... focused on speech


   ddahl: the other topic I wanted to talk was a CG on voice

   ... use case and requirements for new voice applications

   ... like virtual assistance

   ... there should be newer standards

  ... CGs give us opportunity to develop specifications thought

   they're not official W3C recommendations

   ... put into a mission statement to launch the CG

   ... not heavy IP for CG


   kaz: add some note on the IP things on CGs


   ddahl: would like to try new things like SLM

   ... also probably some ideas on dialog management, e.g.,

   user-initiated ones


   dirk: state-based dialog management, etc.

   ... how that can be standardized


   ddahl: ok

   ... let's go back to the Use Case discussion


   -> [11]https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized Use

   Case wiki


     [11] https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized


   ddahl: would like to see Dirks comments

   ... esp. the first two comments




   /0009.html comment 1




   ddahl: regarding UC-7




   timodal_Appliances UC-7




   dirk: multimodal approach to control your home

   ... we had SCXML runtime

   ... interacting different standards for presentation

   ... VoiceXML for speech

   ... BML (Behavior Markup Language) for avator

   ... EMMA as data

   ... user can control device within home

   ... this project has ended





   CXML.pdf Dirk's paper




   dirk: we use a lot of standards

   ... only few developers who know all of them

   ... how to discover devices and their capabilities

   ... dynamically

   ... coming from academic approach

   ... we took some shortcuts


   ddahl: gap section

   ... trying to sign-in

   ... gap or general problems for developers


   (updating the wiki)


   ddahl: probably the discovery draft would handle the first



   (updated the Gaps section of the UC-7)


   dirk: need more data

   ... the user says "open the shutter"

   ... and the system need to identify which shutter should be


   ... upper Interaction Manager for MMI fusion

   ... serious problem with tree structure


   ddahl: we were never really clear about where the fusion engine

   would fit

   ... some people mentioned we needed a separate fusion engine


   dirk: that's a possible option

   ... if we have more complicated system, that would be tricky


   kaz: Prof. Araki and his Team had some idea about how to handle



   ddahl: yeah

   ... also was there a need for additional API or events for



   dirk: we rely on a rule engine

   ... therefore EMMA within data object was good

   ... but maybe some dedicated fusion/fission tags could be added

   ... we should look into fusion/fission capability




   ddahl: probably we need something more than traditional

   lifecycle events


   kaz: kind like "merge cells" and "split cells" for MS Excel :)


   dirk: fusion/fission needs context information

   ... need some easier access mechanism

   ... can handle it using extension event, though


   kaz: wanted to ask about what kind of extension was added to

   EMMA and MMI lifecycle events


   dirk: introduced additional component to the tree structure


   kaz: did you extend EMMA?


   dirk: no, EMMA was sufficient

   ... just introduced compound XML format


   kaz: did you use additional events in addition to the usual MMI

   lifecycle events?


   dirk: no, data was bypassed

   ... to share the context

   ... extensionNotification was not very useful for our system


   kaz: ok

   ... so we should think about that "bypass" mechanism too


   dirk: bypassing event chains


   ddahl: something like a "blackboard"?


   dirk: yes, kind of

   ... context information could be shared using that mechanism


   ddahl: MCs can access the blackboard?


   dirk: no, only the fusion/fission manager can


   ddahl: I like the terminology of "upper Interaction Manager"


   helena: control layer?

   ... we need a high-level control layer

   ... IM can't handle every aspect

   ... the data component should provide contextual information


   dirk: data component within the MMI Architecture?


   ddahl: part of the IM?


   dirk: share the data to made it accessible by the upper IM


   helena: as a part of the control layer, you can store the data

   ... you can put into the nested structure


   -> [15]https://www.w3.org/TR/mmi-arch/#ArchDiagram Runtime

   architecture diagram


     [15] https://www.w3.org/TR/mmi-arch/#ArchDiagram


   ddahl: we're running out of time

   ... great if Dirk can come back again


   kaz: yes


   dirk: ok

   ... btw, there will be another SCXML Workshop in Brussels in 2


   ... June 21

   ... one-day workshop


   -> [16]http://scxmlworkshop.de/eics2016/ SCXML Workshop site


     [16] http://scxmlworkshop.de/eics2016/


Summary of Action Items


   [NEW] ACTION: Kaz to submit bullet points on MMI to the WoT

   Landscape document on GitHub [recorded in




Summary of Resolutions


   [End of minutes]


Received on Monday, 6 June 2016 14:56:07 UTC