Pervasive 2009: Call for Videos, Demonstrations, Doctoral Colloquium Papers, Late Breaking Results and Posters (Deadline Extended to Feb 4th)

          Pervasive 2009 - Late Breaking Results & Posters
            Demonstration, Doctoral Colloquium, and Video
     The Seventh International Conference on Pervasive Computing

                           Nara, Japan
                         May 11-14, 2009

+ Critical Dates (extended)

    * February 4, 2009: Submission deadline (extended)
    * March 1, 2009: Author notification
    * March 20, 2009: Camera-ready paper deadline

Late Breaking Results & Posters
+ Call for Contributions

    Pervasive 2009 Late Breaking Results and Posters offer a con-
cise format for authors to contribute novel ideas and recent research
findings in pervasive computing technologies, systems, and appli-
cations. Appropriate topics for Pervasive Late Breaking Results 
and Posters include, but are not limited to:

    * New technologies and devices for pervasive computing
    * New applications of pervasive computing technologies
    * New interfaces and modes of interactions between people and 
      pervasive computing devices, applications or environments
    * New tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques 
      for designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing 
    * Evaluations and evaluation methods, for assessing the impact
      of pervasive computing devices, applications or environments
    * Privacy, security, trust & social issues and implications of
      pervasive computing

    Accepted papers will be presented as posters in the main
conference area throughout the program. There will also be a special
reception dedicated to the presentation of posters and
demos. Furthermore, authors will have the opportunity to briefly
introduce their work in a single plenary session that occurs sometime
before the reception.

+ Submission and Review Process

    Submissions must be no longer than 4 pages in OCG Format. A sketch
outlining the planned poster presentation may be attached as an
additional page. Authors should submit electronic versions (in PDF
format) of their papers to EDAS. Authors of LBR papers are requested
to follow the guidelines below.

    * Do not put headers/footers
    * Do not put page numbers
    * Do not exceed 4 pages
    * Format the papers in PDF

      Submissions will be peer reviewed. Accepted contributions will
be published in the Pervasive 2009 Adjunct Proceedings.


+ Late Breaking Results Chairs

    Jin Nakazawa, Keio University, Japan
    Susanna Pirttikangas, University of Oulu, Finland

Doctoral Colloquium

+ Call for Papers

    PhD students and candidates are invited to present, discuss and
defend their work-in-progress or preliminary results in an
international and renowned audience of researchers and developers in
the ubiquitous computing field at PERVASIVE 2009. PhD students and
candidates at all stages in the process are invited to submit a thesis
position paper. Participants will be expected to give short, informal
presentations of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by a
discussion. The submission should clearly state:

    * the original key idea / hypothesis of the thesis
    * the problem domain and the specific problem addressed
    * an overview of related work in the area of the PhD work
    * methodological approach
    * research carried out
    * the contribution made in the field of ubiquitous computing 
      (for early work, state the expected contribution)

+ Submission and Review Process

    Submissions (up to 8 pages) should be formatted according to the
guidelines of Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science [LNCS
format] and should be submitted as PDF files through [EDAS
system]. The submissions will be reviewed and based on these reviews
approximately 8 participants for the doctoral colloquium will be
selected. The accepted thesis position papers will be published in the
adjunct proceedings of PERVASIVE 2009.


+ Critical Dates

    * May 11, 2009 Doctoral Colloquium in Nara, Japan

+ Doctorial Colloquium Chairs

    Jakob E. Bardram, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan


+ Call for Contributions

    The category of research demonstrations offers a unique
opportunity to showcase research prototypes, and to discuss them with
an international audience of experts in pervasive computing. To
promote this, Pervasive 2009 is seeking interesting and engaging
demonstrations of pervasive computing technologies. Proposers are
invited to submit Research Demonstrations under the general topics of
the conference. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the
following :

    * New technologies and devices for pervasive computing 
    * New interfaces and modes of interactions between humans and
      pervasive computing devices, applications or environments
    * New tools, architectures, middleware and operating systems for
      designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing
    * Industrial-strength use cases of pervasive technologies and
    * Evaluations, evaluation methods and tools, for assessing the
      impact of pervasive computing devices, applications or
    * Applications and devices relatd to privacy, security, copyright,
      trust and social issues and implications of pervasive computing
    * New applications of pervasive computing technologies, which will
      have impacts on society, businesses and our human lives.

+ Submission and Review Process

    We encourage combining a research demonstration with a short paper
that describes the contribution and as an anchor point for future
reference. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, up to 4 pages in
length and conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. All
demonstration submissions will be handled using an electronic
submission system. Please submit your demonstration paper to EDAS.

    The authors should also provide a brief sketch of the planned
demonstration on an additional page. Specific requirements concerning
space, power, network, and security should be stated. It is planned
that wireless internet access will be provided. Accepted contributions
will be published in the adjunct proceedings of Pervasive 2009.


+ Demonstrations Chairs
    Sadao Obana, ATR, Japan
    Guido Stromberg, Infineon Technologies, Germany

+ Call for Contributions

    Videos are an effective tool to showcase research results, to
inspire other researchers, and to educate the general public about the
latest developments in Pervasive Computing. With the category of
Research Videos, Pervasive 2009 seeks research contributions, future
visions, project descriptions, and concepts of pervasive computing
technologies, systems and applications. The conference particularly
values practical experience with design, deployment and use of
pervasive systems and applications, and investigation of exciting and
inspiring ideas and technologies.

    To be accepted, a video must be of an appropriate length for the
content. It must contain no material subject to copyright (i.e., that
the authors cannot grant Pervasive 2009 the right to redistribute
freely), and must be easily comprehensible to English
speakers. Finally, an accepted video must be standalone, i.e., the
video itself (with audio soundtrack) must describe the work
sufficiently, without requiring the viewer to read the
abstract. Videos will be judged primarily on their communication of
interesting research content (assuming appropriate technical quality).

    Each research video must be accompanied by a short paper
describing the key research contribution. The paper should be written
in a way that it can be understood by readers who have not or will not
see the video.

+ Submission and Review Process

a PDF file of the accompanying short paper to pervasive2009video [AT] Videos need to be submitted in mpeg (MPEG1/2) or
AVI (MPEG-4) as PAL or NTSC (The final camera-ready version must be
submitted as NTSC). The accompanying paper must be no longer than 4
pages in LNCS Format.

    Accepted videos will be shown in a special video session at
Pervasive 2009. Accepted contributions (videos and accompanying short
papers) will be published in the Pervasive 2009 Adjunct Proceedings.
The copyright for videos remains with the authors. If authors have any
queries regarding potential submissions, contact the following video

+ Video Chairs

    Takeshi Okadome, NTT, Japan <>
    Akos Vetek, Nokia, Finland

Received on Monday, 26 January 2009 16:33:35 UTC