LoCA 2009: Call for Participation (Early registration deadline: March 5th, 2009)

*********************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION **********************

                               LoCA 2009
       4th International Symposium on Location and Context Awareness
                    May 7th-8th, 2009. Tokyo, Japan


	    Early bird registration deadline: March 5th, 2009

LoCA 2009 (May 7-8, Tokyo Japan) is the 4th International Symposium on
Location and Context Awareness, with proceedings published in the LNCS
series by Springer-Verlag. LoCA 2009 is co-located with Pervasive 2009
the Seventh International Conference on Pervasive Computing, which will
be held May 11-14, 2009 in Nara, Japan.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Shonozaki of Koozyt (PlaceEngine)
will be a Keynote Speaker for LoCA 2009.

The 2009 Symposium on Location and Context Awareness (LoCA) seeks new and 
significant research on systems, services, and applications to detect, interpret 
and use location and other contextual information. Context includes 
physiological, environmental and computational data whether sensed or inferred. 
In addition, context includes users' activities, goals, abilities, preferences, 
interruptibility, affordances, and surroundings. With context, we can expect 
computers to deliver information, services, and entertainment in a way that 
maximizes convenience and minimizes intrusion. Developing awareness involves 
research in sensing, systems, machine learning, human computer interaction, and 

Online Registration is available at http://loca2009.ucd.ie/registration
The early registration deadline is March 5th, 2009.

Symposium Website:

General Chair:     
Thomas Strang, DLR and UIBK

Program Chairs:     
Tanzeem Choudhury, Dartmouth College USA,
Aaron Quigley, University College Dublin Ireland

Publicity Chairs:     
Alexander Varshavsky, AT&T Labs, USA
Ashish Kapoor, Microsoft Research, Redmond USA

Local Chair:     
Koji Suginuma, Sony Corporation, Japan

Important Dates:
27 February 2009       Author Notifications
5 March 2009           Early Registration Deadline
6 March 2009           Camera Ready Copy
7-8 May 2009           Symposium (Tokyo, Japan)

Alexander Varshavsky <varshavsky@research.att.com>
LoCA 2009 Publicity Chair

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 15:55:11 UTC