EMMA is published as a W3C Recommendation

I am pleased to announce that Extensible MultiModal Annotation
(EMMA) Version 1.0 was published as a W3C Recommendation today, 
February 10.

EMMA 1.0 is intended to be used to represent semantic 
interpretations for a variety of inputs, including but 
not necessarily limited to, speech, natural language text, 
GUI and ink input. It is expected that EMMA will be used primarily as a 
standard data interchange format between the components 
of a multimodal system.

The specification is now available as follows.

This version:
Latest version:
More information about the Multimodal Interaction Working Group:

Please see the press release for additional information:

Best regards,

Debbie Dahl
MMI Working Group Chair
for the W3C Multimodal Interaction Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 19:15:17 UTC