Testimonial for EMMA 1.0 (KIT)

Dear colleague,

Here is testimonial for EMMA 1.0 from Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) strongly supports the Extensible
MultiModal Annotation 1.0 (EMMA) specification. We have been using
EMMA within our multimodal human-robot interaction system. EMMA
documents are dynamically generated by (1) the Automatic Speech
Recognition (ASR) component and (2) the Face Detection/Behavior
Recognition component in our implementation.

In addition, the Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan
(ITSCJ), which includes KIT as a member, also has a plan to use EMMA
as a data format for their own multimodal interaction architecture
specification. ITSCJ believes EMMA is very useful for both uni-modal
recognition component, e.g., ASR, and multimodal integration
component, e.g., speech with pointing gesture.

Best regards,

Masahiro Araki (Dr.)                     araki@kit.jp
    Interactive Intelligence lab.
    Department of Information Science
    Graduate School of Science and Technology
    Kyoto Institute of Technology
TEL: 075-724-7473 FAX: 075-724-7400

Received on Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:20:34 UTC