ink modality descriptions


Rule 1:
newContextRequest: Standard
newContextResponse: Standard
prepareRequest: Standard (we don't do anything -- anything required will be done at start time) <move this to prepare>
prepareResponse: Standard
startRequest: Display the canvas, start collecting ink, send parameters re: collection, display and transmission of ink
startResponse: Standard
doneNotification: Event generated upon user clicking "Done" button, send collected ink to IM
cancelRequest: Stop, forget the ink that has been collected, close canvas
cancelResponse: Standard
pauseRequest: Exit ink mode, retain the ink that's on the canvas
pauseResponse: Standard
resumeRequest: Re-enter ink mode, potentially redisplay
resumeResponse: Standard
extensionNotification: (generated if sending stroke by stroke, instead of at the end)
clearContextRequest: Standard
clearContextResponse: Standard
statusRequest: Standard
statusResponse: Standard

Rule 2:
For example, time between capture points, trace format, formatting information (brush).

Rule 3:
Uses InkML for output.

Rule 4:
Unspecified -- TBD.

Rule 5:
N/A: Doesn't support human languages.

Rule 6:
None additional.

Rule 7:
EMMA is optional.


Note: Could be a separate control channel and data channel or they could be the same.  If they are separate control messages and data could arrive asynchronously.

Note: Need to add error messages.

Note: We haven't included timestamps, but may want to add this for synchronizing with other media.

Rule 1:
newContextRequest: Standard
newContextResponse: Standard
prepareRequest: Standard (we don't do anything -- anything required will be done at start time)
prepareResponse: Standard
startRequest: Display the canvas, start replaying, send display parameters (display all at once, stroke by stroke, etc.)
startResponse: Standard
doneNotification: Event generated upon user clicking "Done" button
cancelRequest: Stop, close canvas
cancelResponse: Standard
pauseRequest: Pause playback, leave existing ink on the canvas
pauseResponse: Paused not completed or done pause not acted upon, parameter: streaming halted or buffered
resumeRequest: Potentially redisplay, either restart transmission or access buffer
resumeResponse: Standard (but may want to report status in asynchronous case)
extensionNotification: Completed playback of ink
clearContextRequest: Standard
clearContextResponse: Standard
statusRequest: ? Who sends this?
statusResponse: ? Who sends this?

Rule 2:
For example, playback speed, display parameters.

Rule 3:
Uses InkML for transmission, output to user.

Rule 4:
Unspecified -- TBD.

Rule 5:
N/A: Doesn't support human languages.

Rule 6:
None additional.

Rule 7:
EMMA is optional.

Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2008 12:01:57 UTC