Re: Response to ITS comment about EMMA

Hello Michael,

> Dear Felix and ITS team,
> The W3C Multimodal working group agree that it is important to 
> provide guidance on how ITS markup may be used in EMMA and 
> we agree to make the comments discussed in 
> publicly available in some form, for example, as a W3C Note, 
> or as information on our public page, but we would prefer to determine 
> the exact format after EMMA reaches Candidate Recommendation,
> in order not to slow down EMMA's progress. Could you please let us 
> know if this is this an acceptable resolution to ITS-2?

thank you for your resolution, that is acceptable to us.

> Also, could you please confirm agreement with our
> response to your first comment on "allowing ITS markup in 
> EMMA". We believe that you expressed agreement in your 
> response (,
> but we want to make sure.
we also agree on your resolution to the first comment "allowing ITS 
markup in EMMA".

Thank you,


Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 02:28:27 UTC