SMIL draft feedback


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I am responding to your jmf request for comment.

I found the presentation well written and easy to follow. Thanks.

I have done a variety of different multimedia designs including a
cyberscope multimedia microscope project, CAI, image recognition,
and a Java video clip displayer.  See for details.

I think you need some kind of scoped BREAK capability which allows
an external event to break out of a parallel or sequential section. In the
case of CAI, you want to be able to adjust the presentation based on the
viewer's response (eg button or mouse click at position or offset x,y).

Shouldn't the default behavior after pausing for a new source be to
continue upon termination of the new source?

What about allowing for an unlimited multimedia stream?  See below.

My microscope system is another interesting multimedia system to look
at relative to SMIL.  I last updated it in 1991 and am considering moving
controls to the internet and also running a variant CD-ROM version with
videos instead of the microscope.

The microscope uses motors for X, Y, slide platter rotation, focus, and zoom.
Additionally we have voice and slide lighting level controls.  Focus, zoom and
slide lighting level control are all tightly linked requiring parallel operation.
Voice typically can come into play either by passing through a given area
at a given zoom range or by button selection. Buttons are used to pick the
desired slide which has a given home position of all controls.

Obviously I would need a plug-in.  But would I need one for all, or could I
use SMIL and separate controls for voice, video, and motor positioning?

Note that the microscope video is in fact continuous.  SMIL seems to 
assume that all videos are time limited clips.  Should this be relaxed? 

Data passing also would be a problem with multiple plug-ins.

Best regards,

Hal Salive
Kiwisoft Programs Ltd

Received on Sunday, 9 November 1997 14:38:38 UTC