Publication of First Public Working Draft of Device Description Ecosystem

In accordance with its charter, the MWI DDWG [1] has published an early
draft of a W3C Note entitled Device Description Ecosystem [2].
Contributions from the public are requested in order to further develop
this document.

>From the Abstract:
"This W3C Note describes the business models surrounding the creation,
maintenance and use of device descriptions. It identifies the main
actors in the current model, explores their motivations for
participating, identifies the costs associated with participation and
the benefits that accrue to participants."

There are many "placeholders" in this early draft, most representing an
issue that is being, or planned to be, debated by the DDWG. The
deliberations of the DDWG will be enriched by public contributions, and
such contributions are encouraged.

On behalf of MWI DDWG
Rotan Hanrahan, Chair DDWG


Received on Wednesday, 23 November 2005 10:25:48 UTC