CC/PP and UAProf profiles

Dear Sir/Madame,

I am currently working on a university project about WAP development.  After studying technologies within this field I have come to learn about CC/PP.  However I do not fully understand the concept and was hoping I could get some help in understanding this area.

I understand that a Schema is set up for different devices like this example from

<RDF xmlns="" 

  <Description about="">
      <Description about="">
        <type resource="" />

      <Description about="">
        <type resource="" />

      <Description about=""> 
        <type resource="" /> 

Once the different schemas have been set up for each Mobile device I.e. Nokia, Sony, etc
Then how do you then
(a) Identify which mobile device is trying to access your site, to use the settings of the correct schema?
(b) make use of the schema to change the way you site content is displayed on there device?

Any help would be gratefully received, or any examples of code I could look at to solve my queries.


Received on Monday, 7 March 2005 19:28:42 UTC