Re: When will CC/PP adopt datatyping in RDF?

Hi Art,

We have no plans to add RDF datatyping to the current CC/PP S&V TR. 
Revising the CC/PP S&V TR to include RDF datatyping would entail careful 
consideration. For example, what is the expected behavior if an existing 
consumer encounters a profile that includes explicit datatyping? We 
would like to wait until the new RDF specs have reached PR until we 
start this consideration. In any case, we would need to go through the 
W3C REC process again for a revised version of CC/PP. We are not 
prepared to push through a new revision of CC/PP until there are 
implementations that are likely to support this new feature.

Luu Tran
W3C DIWG wrote:
> Since the RDF Core WG intends to publish Proposed
> Recommendations this month [1] and Recommendations
> in July, when does the W3C intend to add datatyping 
> in RDF to CC/PP?
> Thanks,
> Art Barstow
> ---
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2003 11:15:45 UTC