Mari Matsunagas iMode book now in English

Mari Matsunaga, the mother of iMode (if Natsuno-san is the father - but
what then is Enoki-san? the midwife?), wrote a book which came about a
year ago about how she fought and thought when she put together the
iMode service. Although being Japanese, she is unfailingly polite.

It is a really interesting book, because it shows how very Japanese the
thinking behind the service is (and possibly how hard it will be to
translate to other countries). Also, it must be one of the first
(documented) skunkworks in Japan.

It is published by a Singapore comic book publisher (!), see It does not seem to be
available in Amazon neither in the UK nor US. If you are really
desperate in getting one, send me a private email and we will see what I
can do.

  Johan Hjelm, Senior Specialist
     Ericsson Research Japan

  Read more about my recent book

Received on Monday, 15 October 2001 22:14:42 UTC