Re: MathML is dead, long live MathML

Hi Daniel,

Ok. Let's discuss!

Most interesting for me is Peters statements
> Content MathML is just not relevant.
Since I'm currently investigating how content MathML is used, and
whats needs to be done to get mathematical content from one system to
Currently, I have the impression that the latter question is
completely solved in theory, but completely unsolved in practise.

Disclaimer: While I really appreciate drinking beer with Peter, we
have slightly different approaches for de facto standards to share
mathematics in information systems.


On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Daniel Kinzler <> wrote:
> Peter Krautzberger, maintainer of MathJax, apparently thinks that MathML has
> failed as a web standard (even though it succeeded as an XML standard), and
> should be removed from HTML5. Here's the link:
> It's quite a rant. Here's a quick TL;DR:
>> It doesn’t matter whether or not MathML is a good XML language. Personally, I
>> think it’s quite alright. It’s also clearly a success in the XML publishing
>> world, serving an important role in standards such as JATS and BITS.
>> The problem is: MathML has failed on the web.
>> Not a single browser vendor has stated an intent to work on the code, not a
>> single browser developer has been seen on the MathWG. After 18 years, not a
>> single browser vendor is willing to dedicate even a small percentage of a
>> developer to MathML.
>> Math layout can and should be done in CSS and SVG. Let’s improve them
>> incrementally to make it simpler.
>> It’s possible to generate HTML+CSS or SVG that renders any MathML content –
>> on the server, mind you, no client-side JS required (but of course possible).
>> Since layout is practically solved (or at least achievable), we really need
>> to solve the semantics. Presentation MathML is not sufficient, Content MathML
>> is just not relevant.
>> We need to look where the web handles semantics today – that’s ARIA and HTML
>> but also microdata, rdfa etc.
> I think both, the rendering as well as the semantics, are well worth thinking
> about. Perhaps Wikimedia should reach out to Peter Krautzberger, and discuss
> some ideas of how math (and physics, and chemistry) content should be handled by
> Wikipedia, Wikidata, and friends. This seems like a cross roads, and we should
> have a hand in where things are going from here.
> -- daniel (not a MathML expert all all)

Moritz Schubotz
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Received on Thursday, 7 April 2016 18:01:04 UTC