Minor problem in mathml-for-css 7Jun2011

I think I've found a minor error in "A MathML for CSS Profile" (W3C Recommendation 07 June 2011). Section 3.5 (http://www.w3.org/TR/mathml-for-css/#mspace) specifies some "named values" for the width attribute of <mspace> elements, including "thickmathspace" (= 5/12 em) and "verythickmathspace" (1/3 em, ie., 4/12 em).

Surely the "thick" space should be smaller than the "very thick" math space? Is "thickmathspace" supposed to be 5/18 em, as it was in MathML2?

Cheers -- Chris Chittleborough

Received on Friday, 5 June 2015 10:46:51 UTC