More questions on indentshift


I asked a question last week about the interpretation of indentshift, and I'm afraid I have another one.

The MathML3 test suite shows several examples with indentshift given as a percentage.  The MathML3 spec lists indentshift as a "length", and in the definition of a length, it says that a percentage means a percentage of the default value.  The default value for indentshift is "inherit (0)".  So it seems to me that an indentshift given as a percent should be a percentage of 0.  The examples in the MathML test suite seem to use the percentage as a percentage of the container (like HTML element widths).  That would make sense, but doesn't seem to be what the spec indicates.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this?

An example from the test suite is

where indentshift is set to 25% in the first style element.


Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 18:48:53 UTC