Re: Custom tags under MathML

On 20/07/2013 10:02, Girish Joshi wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to used MathML for representing mathematical equations for one of
> my software products. But I want to specify a custom tag under a MathML
> tag. How do I do it?
> For e.g.
> <Apply>
>                  <Plus/>

Note that MathML is case sensitive the MathML elements are <apply> and 
<plus> with lower-case names.
>                  <ci> <get-param Index=”1222”  Sub-index=”1”/></ci>
>                  <ci> <get-param Index=”1222”  Sub-index=”2”/></ci>
> </Apply>
> Now, there is a parser which knows what is <get-param> accordingly it
> sets up some configuration at startup. How do I do it?
> /Girish

Parsing is not a problem, any XML parser will correctly parse the tags. 
It might be better (but is not essential) to put your local tags in a 
new Namespace so they are not parsed as elements in the MathML namespace.

<get-param xmlns="something" Index=”1222”  Sub-index=”2”/>

This element will of course be an unknown element and an error in any 
standard MathML processing, but if you have some pre-process that is 
expecting this element then that might not matter. You don't give any
indication what kind of processing you are doing.


Received on Sunday, 21 July 2013 22:24:45 UTC