Re: minor suggestions on Public Editor's draft of MathML

Hello David,

> > I am assuming most people will simply look at the chart for the
> > character they want and use the entity name to add it. To make life
> > easier for these people the MathML examples should use these entity
> > names.

> As I say I nearly did this anyway, so I could be persuaded it was a good
> idea:-) I'll pass it past the working group.

One added bonus of using entity names over Unicode numbers is that some characters
are made up of more than one Unicode number, (ex: acE; , cups; , NotEqualTilde; , etc.)
Encoding for these characters is much easier using an entity name.  
Thank you for considering the changes I suggested.  

> David


Received on Thursday, 17 May 2012 19:39:10 UTC