Minor problems found in MathML 3 specification

Hi all,

I've found a few (primarily editorial) issues with Chapter 4 of the 
MathML 3 specification; I can't find the link for a bug tracker for 
specification issues, so I presume this list is the correct place to 
send things like that?

1. Rewrite: partialdiffdegree
      This rule refers to the expression as 'expression-in-x1-xk' in the 
match rule, but as 'A' in what it is supposed to be transformed into.

2. Section Strict uses of|<ci>
      This section neglects to specify how ci elements with type 
'complex' are transformed into strict form, given that there is no 
complex in the mathmltypes CD.

Best wishes,


Received on Monday, 19 March 2012 21:36:00 UTC