Firefox 12 Release Notes

Dear all,

Michael Kohlhase asked me to give regular notifications about 
improvements in Firefox's MathML implementation. I'm afraid that it 
could look like spamming but I also agree that it makes sense to inform 
the Math WG about the evolution of this implementation and it may also 
be of interest to the subscribers of I'm just going to copy 
and paste "Firefox for developers" notes but if you need more 
information, do not hesitate to ask. I also try to give more details on 
my blog.

Firefox 12 (Release)

  * To control the directionality of MathML formulas, the |dir|
    attribute is now supported on the |<math>
    <>| , |<mrow>
    <>| , and
    |<mstyle> <>|
    elements as well as on MathML Token Elements
    This is particularly important for some Arabic mathematical
    notations <>.
  * The alignment attribute |align| defined in MathML3 has been
    implemented for |<munder>
    <>| , |<mover>
    <>| , and
    <>| .

Firefox 13 (Beta)

  * Support for the |width| attribute on |<mtable>
    <>| elements
    has been added (bug 722880
    <> ).
  * MathJax fonts
    <> are
    now used as the default fonts for mathematical text. See Fonts for
    Mozilla's MathML engine
    <> for
    more information.

Firefox 14 (Aurora)

  * The syntax of the |statusline| action type on |<maction>
    <>| elements
    has been adjusted to follow the MathML specification.

BTW, I'm glad to announce that Andrii Zui has been accepted to Google 
Summer of Code 2012 and is going to work on Firefox's MathML implementation:

Frédéric Wang

Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2012 15:32:56 UTC