Re: New MathML Drafts

David Carlisle writes:

> I'm pleased to be able to announce new drafts of MathML3 and the
> MathML for CSS profile.

Thanks.  I'm happy to see progress.

I was hoping for clear guidance on prime accents in the context of
presentation markup.  All I see in the new spec (after searching the
pdf for "prime") is

   Not all 'mathematical identifiers' are represented by mi
   elements -- for example, subscripted or primed variables should
   be represented using msub or msup respectively.

I raise this, in particular, because, for example, Firefox rendering
of <mi>x&#x2032;</mi> and <msup><mi>x</mi><mo>&#x2032;</mo></msup>
changed between late versions of FF2 and current FF3.  (With FF2 and
the first example the prime was not raised; with FF3 it is raised.
With FF2 and the second example the prime was placed well; with FF3
it is too high and too small.)

Also it seems now that <mi>x'</mi> is now being set upright by FF3
while <mi>x&#x2032;</mi> is not.  Why?

Of course, these would be FF issues but for the fact that there is
inadequate guidance in the spec.

For example, what should be the presentation equivalent of the
LaTeX: x^{\prime{}\,2} (which likely means {x'}^2 but looks better)?

If some items of cdata are to be given non-standard treatment in math
(and there is history in mathematical typesetting to justify it), it
needs to be spelled out.  Maybe a better way would be to roll out new
markup such as an attribute for mo when it holds a prime accent.

My point is that there is insufficient guidance in the spec.

as well as the earlier analysis it references.

                                    -- Bill

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 17:04:45 UTC