Puting MathML in XML document

I am working on an automated reasoning system and we have decided to generate all output in XML format. We have made a DTD for validation and XSL for display. I have attached a part of an output and simplified xsl file. At the moment, all the mathematics in the output is enclosed in CDATA tags and is in our internal text format. Now we want to convert the formulas to MathML and I need some help. Is it possible, to modify existing XSL so that it can display MathML formulas in our documents, and if it is, what is the best way to do that. I am using IE5.5 with MathType installed, but I will change browser if it is necessary.

I appreciate your help,

Filip Maric,
Automated Reasoning Group,
Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Belgrade

Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2004 18:02:52 UTC