Workshop Announcement and Call for Presentations

         Workshop Announcement and Call for Presentations

		  Mathematics on the Semantic Web

		    Eindhoven, The Netherlands
			    May 12-14, 2003

                European Community Project IST-2000-29719

Various European projects are concerned with communicating mathematics
across the Web. With this meeting, the MONET project together with the
OpenMath Thematic Network wants to create an opportunity for the
communities involved in these projects to meet and coordinate a
concerted effort.

The following projects have agreed to organize a special session at
the meeting: Calculemus, MKM, MONET, MOWGLI, OpenMath Thematic
Network, and Types.  Each session will present an overview of the
project goals suitable to a general audience and highlights of
achievements possibly for a more specialized audience.


The program will be structured in special sessions, main invited
lectures and short presentations intended as an opportunity for young
researchers to present their work. Topics include but are not limited to:

    * Online Mathematical Knowledge
    * Mathematical Web Services
    * Semantic Web Technologies for Mathematics
    * Doing and Communicating Mathematics on the WEB
    * Interactive Mathematics: examples, implementations, challenges


The deadline for submitting a short presentation abstract is 1 April,
2003. The extended abstract should be at most 10 pages long, and
should be sent electronically to the workshop chair. Proceedings will
be electronic.

Further information and registration:

Organizing committee:

Andrea Asperti [MOWGLI]
Chris Benzmueller [Calculemus]
Olga Caprotti [OpenMath] (local organizer)
Arjeh M. Cohen [OpenMath] (chair)
Hans Cuypers (local organizer)
James Davenport [MKM]
Mike Dewar [MONET]
Herman Geuvers [Types]

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 10:40:16 UTC