Re: xsl transformation and special characters

So what you're suggesting is:

pipe these request.getParameter() through a UTF-8 
and we are now able to accept russian, math, and just about anything 
Unicode 3 in our forms.

         String math = request.getParameter("param");
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
         InputStream is = new InputStream();;
         InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);

1) To change browser settings to auto-select
2) Changing the http header from the server-side. (How do I do that?)
3) Apply a solution like Paul's... to solve tomcat-bugs.

I tryed to change the browser settings with no luck, so I'll try Paul's 
solution even though it seems to be bad coding...


Morten Andersen
Master of applied mathematics and computer science
Research assistant (in e-learning)

The Maersk Institute of Production technology at Southern Danish University
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M
+45 6550-3654
Jabber id:

At 15:26 04-07-2003 +0200, you wrote:

>David Carlisle wrote:
>>>we have observed that most browsers do honour always the encoding given 
>>>in the file even though the server gives a different header
>>touchy subject that. The XML spec states _explictly_ that a browser
>>should ignore the file and believe the server if they differ, lots of
>>people think this is wrong as it's easy (say for XSLT) to put the right
>>xml declaration in the file, but it's a lot harder for people to make
>>sure when they upload to a server that it is served with the correct
>>header. So many browsers ignore the spec and try to use the "right
>>encoding". It's not at all clear that the spec is sensible here, but
>>telling browser makers (one in particular:-) that ignoring the spec is
>>OK sets a dangerous precedent,
>In general, however, I think and hope the servers just DON'T send such 
>If this spec is correct, I know no browser that is applying it (perheaps 
>iCab) among the seven or eight I've met...
>>>Maybe one of the reasons is that Emacs 20 was still widespread these 
>>>last years...
>>what other editors are there:-)
>jEdit !
>(and that's UTF-8 aware!)

Received on Friday, 4 July 2003 14:53:58 UTC