details for /Math/XSL/ at w3

There are a number of hoops to jump through in order to serve
XHTML with MathML that is usable by all of IE 6, Moz 1, and NS 7.

There were a few points that I missed in the doc, and without looking
back I'm not sure just what, so let me review for possible comment
what I think are the subtleties.  They seem to be right in the sense
that they "work" in present time.

1.  The document must be served through HTTP as "text/xml".

2.  The document must not reference external XML entities.

3.  The document must not have a "<!DOCTYPE" declaration.

4.  All style sheet references, CSS or XSL, must be to relative URI's
    (or at least, I think, URI's on the "same server", but the meaning
    of that is slightly amibiguous).

5.  The reference to one's local copy of David Carlisle's XSLT sheet
    "mathml.xsl" (or "pmathml.xsl") must be via '<?xml-stylesheet
    type="text/xsl"' before the root element (which, of course, must
    be opened with '<html xmlns=""').

6.  XSLT sheets must be served through HTTP as "application/xml".
    (See RFC 3023; "text/xsl" is not a registered content type.)

7.  CSS sheets must be served through HTTP as "text/css".  (See
    RFC 2318.)

                                    -- Bill

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 07:48:50 UTC