Re: mistakes in manual


A general suggestion for questions about content markup is to Cc Stan
Devitt and Stephen Buswell who were the principle architects of the
content markup.  Their email addresses are:

Devitt, in particular, has prototype software for generating MathML
content markup examples.

On your specific quesiont, our (Geometry Technologies) plan is to render

  <list order="numeric">
  <cn type='complex-cartesian'> 1 <sep/> 0 </cn>
  <cn type='complex-cartesian'> 0 <sep/> 1 </cn>


  { 1 + 0i, 0 + 1i }

We are going to render all lists as

  { child_1, child_2, ... }

and ignore the "order" attribute.  Obviously, in your example, the
complex numbers don't admit a total order anyway, so the attibute
doesn't apply even if we wanted to use it.  Also, we are going to render

  <cn type='complex-cartesian'> a <sep/> b </cn> 

as a + bi regardless of the values of a and b.

For applications like Maple that have a computer algebra engine handy
can no doubt do more sophisticated rendering.  But for a pure
rendering application, our philosophy is one of compromise between
computation complexity and useability.

--Robert Miner


> And about WebEq: it knows almost none of content markup - it is a
> half-functional program.

I take issue with this.  WebEQ is currently based on the W3C MathML
working draft of 6-Jan-98 (  
I understand this is not useful for you, but it is what the WebEQ
documentation states, and that is what works.

Our next release, which we anticipate later this summer, will
implement MathML 1.0.

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 1998 11:54:26 UTC