Stream stacks.


Currently I am trying to add robot exclusion support to our fish search
program. In order to find out what objects are not accessible to robots
at a given server, the program should load the 'robots.txt' file from
the server root directory and interprete it. I have incorporated the
interpreter in a (unstructured) stream that is supposed to receive its
input in "text/plain" format. A robot exclusion stream object is created

HTStream* RobExStream_new(char* robot, Queue* NoGoList);

that reads an ASCII stream and produces a list of forbidden addresses. It
all has been tested OK, but I can't succeed to make it work in an actual
application, using the www library. What is wrong with the following:

    HTRequest_setAnchor(request, HTAnchor_findAddress(URL));
    HTRequest_setOutputFormat(request, WWW_PLAINTEXT);
    HTRequest_setOutputStream(request, RobExStream_new("fish-search",
    dest = (HTAnchor*)HTRequest_anchor(request);
    if (!HTLoadAnchor(dest, request)) /* request not accepted */
      status = ExceptionHandler(request);
      status = HT_OK;

Stream tracing produces the following:

HTNet_new... starting request 7bd30 (retry=2) with net object 7c460
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/html to text/plain
HTNetDelete. Object and call callback functions
HTNetDelete. 7c528 not registered!
HTNet_delete Remove net object 7c528
HTNet_delete closing 5
HTNetDelete. Object and call callback functions
HTNet_delete Remove net object 7c460

Any idea where that unregistered object comes from?

Pim Lemmens                              Mathematics & Computing Science                    Eindhoven University of Technology                    P.O. Box 513
tel. (((*31)(0)40)247)3755               5600 MB Eindhoven   Netherlands

Received on Thursday, 4 April 1996 09:20:31 UTC