Post message to an URL



I'm trying to use libWWW to making an aplication in linux that send an
HTTP Post to an URL and get the server response. The server only
supports he HTTP/1.0 version.


I'm doing something like


HTProfile_newNoCacheClient("TesteApp", "1.0");


request = HTRequest_new();


dst = HTAnchor_findAddress("");            -> I
don't want the default http port (80) but the 8080 port. Can I do this?


string data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.12\"
template=\"FiguraComTexto\"><graphic region=\"Grafico\" name=
\"Figura1.xpm\" /><textField region= \"Texto\" align=\"left\" >RAQUEL
</textField><textField region=\"Time\"><time


src = HTTmpAnchor(NULL);


HTAnchor_setDocument(src, (char*)data.c_str());

HTAnchor_setFormat(src, WWW_PLAINTEXT);

HTAnchor_setLength(src, data.length());    t

status = HTPostAnchor(src, dst, request);


I don't know how can I get the response from the server.


Can anyone help me?


Thanks in advance,




Received on Friday, 7 April 2006 15:17:27 UTC