Re: libwww security advisory

Sam Varshavchik wrote:

> Vic Bancroft writes:
>> Okay, your patch looks like,
> [ . . . ]

Oh, sorry for not being more clear.  The patch I posted was pretty much 
the result of

    [bancroft@hilbert libwww]$ wget
    [bancroft@hilbert libwww]$ mv attachment.cgi\?id\=118820 HTBound.c
    [bancroft@hilbert libwww]$ diff $( find . -name HTBound.c ) | tee

My intent was to check in the results of

    [bancroft@hilbert libwww]$ patch Library/src/HTBound.c < HTBound.c.diff
    patching file Library/src/HTBound.c

Is there some modification to HTMIME.c that is needed for a complete 
revision ?

It would also help to have some nice examples of these problematic HTTP 
1.1 byte range requests for testing . . .


"The future is here. It's just not evenly distributed yet."
 -- William Gibson, quoted by Whitfield Diffie

Received on Sunday, 16 October 2005 00:09:37 UTC