Re: multi-threads using libwww

> In your libwww application, you don't need to worry about how this works
> detail - all you do is start a request. The respective HTLoad() call
> returns immediately, and when the response data comes from the server
> later, it is passed to your callback function.

sorry, I still don't understand it
As I know, if my application only had single thread, this thread would stay
in event loop until all respective responses are received ( with regards to
all requests )
The application needs to send 2 kinds of requests, one would be held by
server and the server responds either there is something which needs to be
returned before timeout -or- timeout occurs ( return nothing ).
Based on this, the thread needs to wait for the reponse as I mention above,
then can keep going down. But it would delay the process for "another" kind
of  requests.

Please clarify it, thanks

- Jerry

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 2003 12:31:41 UTC