How do I post a request and get back a response

	I have been looking for awhile on how to do this and have been unable to
find a clear answer, or even answers that I can piece together to make a
clear answer.  So, if this has already been answered, sorry.
	Basically, I have made an XML document using the libxml API and have turned
it into a string.  Now I want to POST that string to a given URL, optionally
getting a response back.  I think the libwww functions should do what I
need, but the closest thing I can find is HTPostFormAnchorToChunk, but that
treats what I am posting as a form.  I am not posting a form, I am just
posting a string.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Tony Baldarelli
wmsVision, Inc.
1016 Copeland Oak Drive
Morrisville, NC 27560
(919) 863-3388 ext 224 <>

Received on Tuesday, 31 December 2002 13:40:01 UTC