samples not working

I'm not able to see the required output from the samples on the site
it says that "A simple program that shows all XML start and end tags and nothing else"

but for me it is displaying whole xml file. that is not any body expect from this sample
I'm pasting xml file I'm using FYI

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
 <vxml version="2.0">
   <form id="form-record">
       <field name = "name1" expr = "'kamal'"/>
       <field name = "name2" expr = "'kalra'"/>
 <var name = "name3" expr = "'hi'"/>
 <var name = "uri" expr = "'submit.asp'"/>
         Say yes or no to submit a request to Snoop Servlet
         <submit method = "post" expr="uri" namelist = "name1 name2 name3"/> 

Can any body help me 


Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 07:43:05 UTC