POST Problems in 5.3.2 Where is the Body???

Hi All
Post Does not seem to work. After I call HTPostFormAbsolute . The Libwww
seems to send the header information to the web server and the web
server returns a 100 Continue....
The Body is never send back to the web server. Please don't mind the
extra traces I put in.
I also do not understand the significance of HTSimplify..
`file:/tmp/tmp00001' into
............ `file:/tmp/tmp00001'
Thanks for all the help
Here is the trace from the trial:
HTSimplify.. `' into
............ `'
HTSimplify.. `file:/tmp/tmp00001' into
............ `file:/tmp/tmp00001'
HTAccess.... Accessing document
Net Before.. calling 0xcb1ff8 (request 0xbc8aa8, context 0x0)
Check rules. for `'
Net Before.. calling 0xcb28b0 (request 0xbc8aa8, context 0x0)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0xccacac (request 0xbc8aa8, context 0x0)
PEP Engine.. Looking for info on `'
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
PEP Engine.. No information
Net Before.. calling 0xcb1e94 (request 0xbc8aa8, context 0x0)
Net Object.. 0xbc7d44 created with hash 2
Net Object.. starting request 0xbc8aa8 (retry=1) with net object
HTTP........ Looking for `'
HTTPEvent... state=HTTP_BEGIN
HTHost parse Looking up `' on port 80
Host info... REUSING CHANNEL 0xbdcd6c
Host info... Added Net 0xbc7d44 (request 0xbc8aa8) to pipe on Host
0xbdcf40, 3 requests made, 1 requests in pi
pe, 0 pending
Timer....... Deleted active timer 0xbc93a4
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
Channel..... Semaphore increased to 1 for channel 0xbdcd6c
Host connect Unlocking Host 0xbdcf40
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/x-http to www/present
Tee......... Created stream 0xbc93a8 with resolver 0xca9c04
HTTP........ Dumping response to `w3chttp.out'
Tee......... Created stream 0xbda1a0 with resolver 0xca9c04
HTTP........ Dumping request to `w3chttp.out'
HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers
HTTP........ Generating General Headers
MIME........ Generating Entity Headers
Buffer...... Flushing 0xbdcd2c
Write Socket 287 bytes written to 19
Alert Call.. No entry found for opcode 16
HTTPEvent... pcbf not null
HTTPEvent... http->locke = NO
Timer....... Created one shot timer 0xbc90c8 with callback 0xcce660,
context 0xbdddf0, and relative timeout 20
Uploading... Holding 0xbdddf0 for 2000 ms using time 0xbc90c8
Event....... Register socket 19, request 0xbc8aa8 handler 0xc8dcec type
HTEvent_READ at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_READ
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 19
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 0xbc89cc with callback 0xcaf820,
context 0xbc7c50, and relative timeout 
HTTPEvent... in HTTP_CONNECTED calling HTHost_read
Read Socket. 89 bytes read from socket 19
Alert Call.. No entry found for opcode 8
Response.... Created 0xbc7bc8
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 0xbdcf40
Host info... 0xbdcf40 already persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/x-rfc822-cont to
Host........ passing 23 bytes as consumed to 0xbcab04
Host........ 66 bytes remaining 
MIME header. Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
MIME header. Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
MIME header. Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:30:07 GMT
MIME header. Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:30:07 GMT
Host........ passing 66 bytes as consumed to 0xbcab04
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
MIME........ FREEING....
Read Socket. CONTINUE
Raj Sinha

Received on Monday, 24 June 2002 17:33:02 UTC