POST - Permenent Redirection

Hi All,

I'm trying to write a small HTTP client using the
Libwww library. I'm able to get page and post page
properly. the following is the code snippet for
posting the form,

I'm using HTPostFormAnchorToChunk() method for Posting
the form. I've also registered 2 call backs, one for
cookies and one for getting to the teminate_handler .
The following are the registers to the call back

HTCookie_setCallbacks(setCookie, NULL, findCookie,
HTNet_addAfter(terminate_handler, NULL, NULL, HT_ALL,

In case of responses 200s, 302, 400s and 500s, I'm
able to get the control to the terminate_handler
callback method. But in case of a permenent
redirection which is 301, I'm not able to get the
control into the terminate_handler callback method.
Please suggest. I'm even willing to send my code, if
anybody will be able to help me. This is kind of
urgent for my project to get completed. 

Thanks in advance.


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