How do I get the HTTP status description

The server I'm talking to can send back the following response because of an
internal servlet error:

HTTP/1.1 555 Poll Error (13512013)~~Cannot upload file, a file with the same
name already exists in inbound directory

How can I get the description portion of this status line, a dump of the
buffer array in HTTP.c shows:

Buffer:[HTTP/1.1 555 ok


        HTResponse * response = HTRequest_response(request);

        char * ptr = me->buffer+5;                     /* Skip the HTTP part
        char * vptr = NULL;

        int major = 0;

        int minor = 0;

        printf("Buffer:[%s]\n",me->buffer); /// temporarily added this line
        me->version = vptr = HTNextField(&ptr);


What's happening to the text "Poll Error (13512013)~~Cannot upload file, a
file......" ?

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2001 18:04:14 UTC