Re: undefined symbole HTZLib_inflate


I have the same problem! If I compile a little test program and try to start it, I get the error 
"error in loading shared libraries: > /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: HTZLib_inflate" 

But if I use the examples in the example directory, everything works fine ?! I have compiled
and install LIBWWW from cvs repository myself and I use Linux RedHat 7.0! I have installed 
the package on other maschines with the same OS without any problems, only on this one 
maschine I get this error message. I can not say if "configure" have found my zlib? I can see
in the log file that configure have checked it. 

I have no idea ... hope you can help me!

Ciao Timo!

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2001 08:33:10 UTC