Re: Recent Change In HTEvtLst.c

Hello Mike,

I think that the cause of the problem is that the event handlers for
FTP and for HTTP differ as to how to use the HTEvent_Close event.
What works for one, breaks the other. I'll try to see how to harmonize
them. In all cases, if you put it back to HTEvent_READ, you'll have other
problems in HTTP, when accessing HTTP/1.0 servers or proxies.


In our previous episode, Mike Tardif said:
> I've recently resynchronize my sources with the cvs repository, and the
> change
> made by Jose in HTEvtLst.c
> <       /* JK: was returning HTEvent_CLOSE before, and this was a source of
> <          errors, as libwww detects the socket shutdown with a call to recv
> */
> <       case FD_CLOSE: type = HTEvent_READ; break;
> ---
> >       case FD_CLOSE: type = HTEvent_CLOSE; break;
> is causing me grief.  My FTP GETs, are now dumping core in:

Received on Monday, 31 July 2000 04:08:50 UTC