libwww SSL POST to Microsoft IIS (NT 4.0 SP6) ISAPI application n ot called no message in http body

 i have compiled the pre-5.3.0 version of libwww with OpenSSL 95a libs
 and modified ../Library/Examples/post.c to include include
 and _terminate(). The IIS log shows a connection was made but IIS returns a
 without executing the server ISAPI application. I'm running the ssl client
on a linux box.
 The trace and the *.out file shows Accept, TE, Expect, Host, User-Agent,
 Date, Content-Length, and Content-Type but no Content-Body. 
 The server returns:
 HTTP/1.1 100 Continue, Server, and Date.
 Apparently there is no message in the body and IIS doesn't like what it
sees. I would appreciate
 any insight that can be offered on this problem.
Bill Dillenberger

Received on Monday, 17 July 2000 12:17:17 UTC