webbot - clf IP addresses

I'm building a performance package that measures Web site
download time, IP packet efficiency, and other performance
parameters.  It uses webbot to access Web sites, and other
processes to analyze log files and IP packet information.

Webbot produces a common log file recording host names such as
www.w3.org instead of an IP address such as or

I'm looking for a way to direct webbot to record IP addresses
instead of host names in the common log file.

Any suggestions?

Thanks ...jmt
John M. Telford - (503)292-6865 - Fax(503)471-0068
13508 NW Springville Road - Portland, OR 97229
InfoMax Consulting - jmt@infomax.com - www.infomax.com

Received on Monday, 13 March 2000 13:29:20 UTC