Libwww can not find an active socket

I have a WIN which uses libwww to post some data.
My application require synchronization there for I use blocking sockets.
When posting some request to my server, I encounter a strange behavior when
the following code runs:

	// POST the source to the dest
	BOOL status = HTPostAnchor(pParentAnchor, pDstAnchor, pRequest);

	// Go into the event loop ...
	if (status == YES)
		status = HTEventList_newLoop();

When entering into the loop, and going deep in the Debugger to this
function: HTEventList_loop (HTRequest * theRequest) - HTEvtLst.c
I find out that the library can not find any active socket. The value of
active_sockets after the following line is called is always -1:

	active_sockets = select(maxfds+1, &treadset, &twriteset, &texceptset, wt);

As a solution for this, I I tried "resetting" the lib (terminate & init
again), yet it happens again & again.

Does anyone knows what can cause this and how to solve it ?

thanks much,

Received on Monday, 15 May 2000 13:17:21 UTC