Re: HTML Tags

> Hi everybody!
> Is there a function, that gives you the HTAG-number for a HTAGNAME?
> In the HTAG-struct you just find the HTag-name as a char *, but I need
> the enum.
> Thanks for your help!
    From SGML.h:

extern HTTag * SGML_findTag (SGML_dtd * dtd, int element_number);
extern char * SGML_findTagName (SGML_dtd * dtd, int element_number);
extern SGMLContent SGML_findTagContents (SGML_dtd * dtd, int element_number);
extern long SGML_findTagFlags (SGML_dtd * dtd, int element_number);
extern int SGML_findElementNumber(SGML_dtd *dtd, char *name_element);

    I guess you are looking for SGML_findTagName.

    Have a look to libwww/Library/Examples/showtags.c : beginElement
    for how to use it (it uses SGML_findTag, but it's the same principle)

-- Raffaele

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 1999 20:31:43 UTC