Re: Question about usage of HText-Callbacks - Have a very specific problem ...

> We've to parse these HTML-pages for tags and fill a pointered structure
> datas specific
> for the found tag. libwww calls for HTML-elements and also for plain text
> callback-functions
> to deal with them. But how can I fill these data structures ?
    If you set the right callback (see libwww/Library/Examples/showtags.c)
    you will be called for the open and close tag, with parameters
    which tag is being processed (as an enumerated that you can use to
    tag specific information) and its attributes.

    That should allow you to fill your data structures.

    If you are looking for something like a document tree (like in DOM),
    the current HTML parser doesn't do that, but you can easily construct
the tree
    from the parameters passed to the various callback.

-- Raffaele

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 1999 22:53:19 UTC