Re: Getting out of HTEventList_loop()

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen wrote:
> Michael Saunders wrote:
> > I have experience some pretty large obsticles attempting to use this
> > library which has been quite disappointing. I am not sure if it is
> > the way in which I am using it or if it really is buggy. I discovered
> > the following problems:
> >
> >         1) Exiting the event loop after interrupting a transfer makes
> >         the library unusable upon subsequent transfers using the
> >         default event loop in HTEvtLst.c. I followed the documentation
> >         and called the HTHost_killPipe as instructed but it the library
> >         doesn't seem to clean up correctly. Subsequent transfers
> >         using HTLoadToFile stop immediately due to some read error
> >         which causes the library to kill the pipe.
> Do you have a libwww trace of this?
> >         3) I tried reinitializing the library and cleaning it up completely
> >         before and after each request but I discovered that if perform
> >         several subsequent download and uploads using HTLoadToFile and
> >         HTPutDocumentAnchor the library crashes.
> That is pretty much what the web commander does - do you have some
> traces of this too?


I have included two traces "interruptGetThenGet.out" and "getThenPut.out" as
attachments since they are so big. I have also include some code snippets below
to help explain what happened in case #1 and case #3 above. In both files I
substituted my real password information with MYPASSWORD for security reasons. I
did the same with the host name (substituted with MYHOST) and my user id
(substituted with MYUSERID) as well so I hope that doesn't mess up you analysis
of the output.

Case #1:

"interruptGetThenGet.out" covers case #1 mentioned above where I perform an FTP
get operation using HTLoadToFile twice where the first transfer is interrupted
by the killing the pipe and the second was supposed to transfer everything. For
this case my application initializes libwww only once at the start of the
application and finalizes it once at the end of the application. Following is
the code snippet that show how I use HTLoadToFile for the FTP transfer:

      FTPTransferMode LibWWWFTPTransferMode = FTP_DEFAULT_TRANSFER_MODE;

      /* set the transfer mode for ftp regardless of transport scheme */
      if (Mode == INetTransferMode_ASCII)
      else if (Mode == INetTransferMode_Binary)

      /* create a request and download the file */
      LibWWWCurrentRequest = HTRequest_new();
      Result = (HTLoadToFile(SourceURLName,
                             LibWWWCurrentRequest, TargetFileName) == YES);
      if (Result == TRUE)
        Result = (HTEventList_newLoop() == HT_OK &&

I also setup a timer with libwww that goes off every 100ms and if it detects
(via a boolean flag that is set by the user via the GUI interface) that the
transfer should be interrupted it performs a kill pipe, (here is all of the code
for my registered HTTimer callback):

static int LibWWWCheckForInterrupt(HTTimer     *Timer,
                                   void        *ClientData,
                                   HTEventType EventType)
      int Result = HT_OK;

      if (INetTransferInterrupted)
          HTNet  *Net = NULL;
          HTHost *Host = NULL;
          /* request has been interrupted so don't start a new timer */
          LibWWWInterruptTimer = NULL;
          Net = HTRequest_net(LibWWWCurrentRequest);
          Host = HTNet_host(Net);
          Result = HT_ERROR;
          /* no interrupt so reinstate the timer */
          LibWWWInterruptTimer = HTTimer_new(NULL, LibWWWCheckForInterrupt,
                                             NULL, 100L, YES, NO);
          Result = HT_OK;

      return Result;

If you look at the trace, "interruptGetThenGet.out", the first FTP download was
canceled. Line 1079 of "interruptGetThenGet.out" is where the output from libwww
stopped after the cancellation was finished (i.e. left the event loop, etc.).
Next I attempted to perform the very same load to file operation without any
user intervention. Libwww almost immediately reports the following error in one
of my HTAlert dialogs:

	Fatal Error: Server timed out.

At this point 1188 lines were written to the "interruptGetThenGet.out" trace
file. The remainder of the lines in that file are getting out of the event loop
and cleaning up the library upon application exit.

Case 3:

My next attempt was to do what I mentioned in case #3 above. I tried completely
initializing and finalizing the libwww before and after each request. This time
I attempted to perform an HTTP get using HTLoadToFile and an HTTP put using
HTPutDocumentAnchor. No attempt was made to cancel either request however the
100ms timer mentioned in the previous example simply reinstalls itself since no
interruption has been detected. If you look at the "getThenPut.out" trace you
will notice that the HTLoadToFile operation completed at line 280. Next I
performed an HTTP put via HTPutDocumentAnchor after which down in the event loop
it crashes (here is a code snippet of my HTPutDocumentAnchor usage):

      /* give the source file name a file URL syntax */
      SourceFileURL = (char *)malloc(strlen("file:") +
                                     strlen(SourceFileName) + 1);
      sprintf(SourceFileURL, "file:%s", SourceFileName);

      /* create a request and upload the file */
      LibWWWCurrentRequest = HTRequest_new();
      SourceAnchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(SourceFileURL);
      TargetAnchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(TargetURLName);

      Result = (HTPutDocumentAnchor(HTAnchor_parent(SourceAnchor),
                                    TargetAnchor, LibWWWCurrentRequest) == YES);
      if (Result == TRUE)
        Result = (HTEventList_newLoop() == HT_OK &&


The trace back from the crash is as follows:

LibWWWUploadFile(... <-- This is my function

I should mention several things. This crash does not occur if I simply repeat
HTTP gets using HTLoadToFile all the time or if I perform HTPutDocumentAnchor
all the time. It seems to occur only when I mix them. Also note that the
HTEventList_loop code is a modified version of HTEvtLst.c v1.39. It is the code
that produced the diffs that I sent you containing the resetting of the
HTEndLoop variable (I haven't downloaded v1.40 your single exit point fix yet).

Sorry for the long description but I think it needed explaining.

Host........ Setting event timeout to 15000 ms
User Profile Adding `LIBWWW_GENERIC_USER'
User Profile Localizing 100121d8
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
TimeZone.... GMT + (-7) hours (including DST)
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fd80
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850300
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fe20
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084ffd0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850180
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850240
Transport... Adding `tcp'
Transport... Adding `buffered_tcp'
Transport... Adding `local'
Protocol.... Adding `ftp'
Protocol.... Adding `nntp'
Protocol.... Adding `news'
Protocol.... Adding `gopher'
Protocol.... Adding `http'
Protocol.... Adding `file'
Protocol.... Adding `cache'
Protocol.... Adding `telnet'
Protocol.... Adding `tn3270'
Protocol.... Adding `rlogin'
Net Before.. Add 6085bf10 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 60873890 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b400 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b200 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 6085bff0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -401 context 0
Net After... Add 6085bff0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -418 context 0
Net After... Add 60873a30 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9c0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 301 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9c0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 302 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9c0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 303 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9c0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 307 context 0
Net After... Add 6085c080 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085bd10 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 305 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b6d0 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Auth Engine. Created module 10013708
Auth Engine. Created module 10013728
Proxy....... Looking for environment variables
Conversions. Adding 608585e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608684d0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608687d0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868650 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608686d0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868750 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868a10 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60866720 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6084e4e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60871370 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887af0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887c20 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60892d20 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d7c0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d820 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60877890 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60858690 with quality 0.30
Codings..... Adding chunked with quality 1.00
Icon add.... BLANK => SRC="blank.xbm" ALT=""
Icon add.... DIRECTORY => SRC="directory.xbm" ALT="DIR"
Icon add.... PARENT => SRC="back.xbm" ALT="UP"
Icon add.... UNKNOWN => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... */* => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... binary => SRC="binary.xbm" ALT="BIN"
AddIcon..... www/unknown => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... text/* => SRC="text.xbm" ALT="TXT"
AddIcon..... image/* => SRC="image.xbm" ALT="IMG"
AddIcon..... video/* => SRC="movie.xbm" ALT="MOV"
AddIcon..... audio/* => SRC="sound.xbm" ALT="AU"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-tar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-gtar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... x-compress => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="CMP"
AddIcon..... x-gzip => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="GZP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-index => SRC="index.xbm" ALT="IDX"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-cso => SRC="index2.xbm" ALT="CSO"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-telnet => SRC="telnet.xbm" ALT="TEL"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-duplicate => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="DUP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-tn3270 => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="TN"
Rule Add.... For `file:/icons/*' op 2 `file:/u/w3c-icons/*'
Event....... registering 60820d80
Event....... registering 60821090
Alert Call.. Delete All callback functions
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60235e00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236830
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 602368f0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236a00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236bb0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236d20
Net Before.. Add 60236e80 with order 0 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 60236f20 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Request..... Created 10157d70
HTSimplify.. `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt' into
............ `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Find Parent. 10157ed8 with hash 341 and address `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt' created
HTAccess.... Accessing document ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt
Net Before.. calling 60236e80 (request 10157d70, context 0)
Timer....... Created one shot timer 1015f328 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Net Before.. calling 6085b200 (request 10157d70, context 0)
Net Before.. calling 6085b400 (request 10157d70, context 0)
Check rules. for `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Net Object.. 10163350 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 10157d70 (retry=1) with net object 10163350
FTP......... Looking for `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Net Object.. 10163d58 created with hash 1
Net Object.. Duplicated 10163350
FTP Event... now in state FTP_BEGIN
FTPParse.... uid `MYUSERID' pw `<null>'
FTPParse.... Datatype ?
FTP Event... Transfer mode set to 'I'
Anchor...... Get bindings for `/u/data.plt'
Get Binding. Look for 'plt' Not found - use default for '*.*'
Get Binding. Result for '/data.plt' is: type='www/unknown', encoding='binary', cte='binary', language='unknown' with quality 0.10
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_CONN
HTHost parse Looking up `MYHOST' on port 21
Event....... Created event 10161cd8 with context 10163f18, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161d38 with context 10163f18, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161d58 with context 10163f18, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Host info... added `MYHOST' with host 10163f18 to list 10161248
Host connect Grabbing lock on Host 10163f18 with 10163350
Host info... Added Net 10163350 (request 10157d70) to pipe on Host 10163f18, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 10163f18 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 10163f18 going to state TCP_DNS.
DNS Add..... `MYHOST' with 1 home(s) to 10161298
ParseInet... as port 21 on with 1 homes
HTHost 10163f18 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 6
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 6
Channel..... Added 101641f8 to list 101612f8
Reader...... Created reader stream 10164230
HTHost 10163f18 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Event....... Register socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_CONNECT at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_CONNECT
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 6
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161d78 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 6
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 43000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 6
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 43000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161d78 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_WRITE
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_CONN
HTHost 10163f18 going to state TCP_CONNECTED.
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161d78
Event....... No more events registered for socket 6
Event....... Reset MaxSock from 6 to 1
Event....... Socket 6 unregistered for HTEvent_CONNECT
HTHost 10163f18 connected.
Host connect Unlocking Host 10163f18
Host info... New mode is 0 for host 10163f18
Net Manager. 1 active sockets, increasing persistent sockets to 1
Host info... added host 10163f18 as persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_LOGIN
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_SELECT
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_GREETING
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event....... Register socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_READ
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 6
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 12000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 0
............ READ :
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 12000 microsecs
Timer....... Dispatch timer 1015f328
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161d18 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 103000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 103000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_LOGIN
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_GREETING
Read Socket. 29 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 29 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `220 MYHOST FTP server ready.'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Write Socket 14 bytes written to 6
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161d18
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161d78 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_LOGIN
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Read Socket. 36 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 36 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `331 Password required for MYUSERID.'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Login.. now in state PROMPT_USER
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Write Socket 14 bytes written to 6
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 96000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 96000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_LOGIN
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_UID
Read Socket. 36 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 36 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `331 Password required for MYUSERID.'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_PASSWD
Write Socket 13 bytes written to 6
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_PASSWD
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 89000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 0
............ READ :
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 89000 microsecs
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161d78
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161df8 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_LOGIN
FTP Login.. now in state NEED_PASSWD
Read Socket. 29 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 29 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `230 User MYUSERID logged in.'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Login.. now in state SUB_SUCCESS
FTP......... Logged in as `MYUSERID'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DCON
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_TYPE
FTP Tx...... TYPE I
Write Socket 8 bytes written to 6
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_TYPE
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 50000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 50000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DCON
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_TYPE
Read Socket. 20 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 20 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `200 Type set to I.'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_SELECT
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_PASV
FTP Tx...... PASV
Write Socket 6 bytes written to 6
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_PASV
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 46000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 46000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DCON
FTP Data.... now in state NEED_PASV
Read Socket. 50 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 50 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `227 Entering Passive Mode (192,92,162,139,63,22)'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Data.... now in state SUB_SUCCESS
FTP Data.... Data connection negotiated
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_SELECT
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_CONNECT
HTHost parse Looking up `' on port 16150
Event....... Created event 10161e38 with context 1016c408, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161e58 with context 1016c408, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161e78 with context 1016c408, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Host info... added `' with host 1016c408 to list 10096760
Host connect Grabbing lock on Host 1016c408 with 10163d58
Host info... Added Net 10163d58 (request 10157d70) to pipe on Host 1016c408, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 1016c408 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 1016c408 going to state TCP_DNS.
ParseInet... as port 16150 on with 1 homes
HTHost 1016c408 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 7
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 2, 1 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 7
Channel..... Added 1016c4b8 to list 101613b8
Reader...... Created reader stream 1016c4f0
HTHost 1016c408 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Event....... Register socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_CONNECT at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_CONNECT
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 7
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE: 7
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 30000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 7
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 30000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_WRITE
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_CONNECT
HTHost 1016c408 going to state TCP_CONNECTED.
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161e18
Event....... No more events registered for socket 7
Event....... Reset MaxSock from 7 to 7
Event....... Socket 7 unregistered for HTEvent_CONNECT
HTHost 1016c408 connected.
Host connect Unlocking Host 1016c408
FTP Get Data.... Active data socket 7
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_ACTION
FTP Tx...... RETR /u/data.plt
Write Socket 41 bytes written to 6
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_ACTION
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 26000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 26000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_ACTION
Read Socket. 99 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 99 bytes as consumed to 10164230
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
FTP Rx...... `150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for '/u/data.plt' (7313808 bytes).'
Read Socket. Target returns 200
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_STREAM
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for www/unknown to */*
Response.... Created 10174688
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 7
Event....... Register socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_READ
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 17000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 0
............ READ :
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 17000 microsecs
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161df8
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161e98 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 101000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 101000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 16528 bytes read from socket 7
GUESSING.... Result of content analysis: Text=18% Newlines=0% Ctrl=75% High=6%
Guessed..... Content-Type `application/octet-stream'
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for application/octet-stream to */*
StreamStack. Source output
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 95000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 95000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 24792 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 88000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 88000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 24216 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 85000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 85000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 78000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 78000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 70000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 70000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 62000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 62000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 59000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 59000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 50000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 50000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 47000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 47000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 43000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 43000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 33000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 33000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 29000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 29000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 26000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 26000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 19000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 19000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 11000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 11000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 7000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 7000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 3000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 3000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161e98
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161eb8 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 102000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 93000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 93000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 89000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 89000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 78000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 78000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 74000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 74000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 70000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 70000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 64000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 64000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 60000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 60000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 56000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 56000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 16384 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 49000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 49000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 46000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 46000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 42000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 42000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 36000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 36000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 28000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 28000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 19000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 19000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 16000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 16000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 8000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 8000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 4000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 7
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 4000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e18 with callback 608200a0, context 100a1380, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 7, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_DATA
FTP Get Data now in state NEED_BODY
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 7
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161eb8
Request..... Created 10178db8
HTSimplify.. `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt' into
............ `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Find Parent. 10157ed8 with address `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt' already exists.
HTAccess.... Accessing document ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt
Net Before.. calling 60236e80 (request 10178db8, context 0)
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161dd8 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Net Before.. calling 6085b200 (request 10178db8, context 0)
Net Before.. calling 6085b400 (request 10178db8, context 0)
Check rules. for `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Net Object.. 10178ed8 created with hash 2
Net Object.. starting request 10178db8 (retry=1) with net object 10178ed8
FTP......... Looking for `ftp://MYUSERID@MYHOST/u/data.plt'
Net Object.. 10178740 created with hash 3
Net Object.. Duplicated 10178ed8
FTP Event... now in state FTP_BEGIN
FTPParse.... uid `MYUSERID' pw `<null>'
FTPParse.... Datatype ?
FTP Event... Transfer mode set to 'I'
Anchor...... Get bindings for `/u/data.plt'
Get Binding. Look for 'plt' Not found - use default for '*.*'
Get Binding. Result for '/data.plt' is: type='www/unknown', encoding='binary', cte='binary', language='unknown' with quality 0.10
FTP Event... now in state FTP_NEED_CONN
HTHost parse Looking up `MYHOST' on port 21
Host info... REUSING CHANNEL 101641f8
Host info... Added Net 10178ed8 (request 10178db8) as pending on Host 10163f18, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 1 pending
HTDoConnect. Pending...
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161db8
Event....... READ timed out on 6.
Host kill... Pipeline due to HTEvent_TIMEOUT event
Host kill... Terminating net object 10178ed8 from pending queue
Error....... Add  57	Severity: 1	Parameter: `Unspecified'	Where: `HTLoadHTTP'
Net Object.. Delete 10178740 and call AFTER filters
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Host info... Bad arguments
Net Object.. Freeing object 10178740
Net Object.. Delete 10178ed8 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 10178ed8 from pipe
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 10178ed8
Response.... Created 10178ed8
Net After... calling 6085b6d0 (request 10178db8, response 10178ed8, status -905, context 0)
Load End.... Request ended with code -905
Net After... calling 60236f20 (request 10178db8, response 10178ed8, status -905, context 0)
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161dd8
Request..... Delete 10178db8
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Response.... Delete 10178ed8
Host kill... Terminating net object 10163350 from pipe line
Error....... Add  57	Severity: 1	Parameter: `Unspecified'	Where: `HTLoadHTTP'
Net Object.. Delete 10163d58 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 10163d58 from pipe
Host Object. closing socket 7
Channel..... Semaphore set to 0 for channel 1016c4b8
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161e18
Event....... No more events registered for socket 7
Event....... Reset MaxSock from 7 to 7
Event....... Socket 7 unregistered for HTEvent_READ
Event....... Couldn't find socket 7. Can't unregister type HTEvent_WRITE
Channel..... Delete 1016c4b8 with semaphore 0
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 1, 1 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 1016c4b8, socket 7
Host info... removed host 1016c408 as persistent
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 10163d58
Net Object.. Delete 10163350 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 10163350 from pipe
Host Object. keeping persistent socket 6
Channel..... Delete 101641f8 with semaphore 1
FTPStatus... ABORTING...
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 101641f8
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161e18 with callback 6082cf80, context 10163f18, and relative timeout 60000
Host........ Object 10163f18 going idle...
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 10163350
Net After... calling 6085b6d0 (request 10157d70, response 10174688, status -905, context 0)
Load End.... Request ended with code -905
Net After... calling 60236f20 (request 10157d70, response 10174688, status -905, context 0)
Request..... Delete 10157d70
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Response.... Delete 10174688
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 7
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 15 s, 0 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 15 s, 0 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161db8 with callback 608200a0, context 100a13f8, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 10157d70 handler 6082d020 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. host 10163f18 `MYHOST' closed connection.
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161db8
Event....... No more events registered for socket 6
Event....... Socket 6 unregistered for HTEvent_READ
Event....... Couldn't find socket 6. Can't unregister type HTEvent_WRITE
Channel..... Delete 101641f8 with semaphore 0
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 0, 1 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 101641f8, socket 6
Net Manager. 0 active sockets, decreasing persistent sockets to 0
Host info... removed host 10163f18 as persistent
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Before.. Delete 60236e80
Net After... Delete 60236f20
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161e18
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
AnchorDelete Remove parent 10157ed8 and children
HTAnchor.... Clear all header information
Host........ Setting event timeout to 15000 ms
User Profile Adding `LIBWWW_GENERIC_USER'
User Profile Localizing 10090d48
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
TimeZone.... GMT + (-7) hours (including DST)
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fd90
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850310
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fe30
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084ffe0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850190
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850250
Transport... Adding `tcp'
Transport... Adding `buffered_tcp'
Transport... Adding `local'
Protocol.... Adding `ftp'
Protocol.... Adding `nntp'
Protocol.... Adding `news'
Protocol.... Adding `gopher'
Protocol.... Adding `http'
Protocol.... Adding `file'
Protocol.... Adding `cache'
Protocol.... Adding `telnet'
Protocol.... Adding `tn3270'
Protocol.... Adding `rlogin'
Net Before.. Add 6085bf20 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 608738a0 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b410 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b210 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 6085c000 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -401 context 0
Net After... Add 6085c000 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -418 context 0
Net After... Add 60873a40 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 301 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 302 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 303 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 307 context 0
Net After... Add 6085c090 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085bd20 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 305 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b6e0 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Auth Engine. Created module 10159898
Auth Engine. Created module 101598b8
Proxy....... Looking for environment variables
Conversions. Adding 608585f0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608684e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608687e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868660 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608686e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868760 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868a20 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60866730 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6084e4f0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60871380 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887b00 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887c30 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60892d30 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d7d0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d830 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608778a0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608586a0 with quality 0.30
Codings..... Adding chunked with quality 1.00
Icon add.... BLANK => SRC="blank.xbm" ALT=""
Icon add.... DIRECTORY => SRC="directory.xbm" ALT="DIR"
Icon add.... PARENT => SRC="back.xbm" ALT="UP"
Icon add.... UNKNOWN => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... */* => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... binary => SRC="binary.xbm" ALT="BIN"
AddIcon..... www/unknown => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... text/* => SRC="text.xbm" ALT="TXT"
AddIcon..... image/* => SRC="image.xbm" ALT="IMG"
AddIcon..... video/* => SRC="movie.xbm" ALT="MOV"
AddIcon..... audio/* => SRC="sound.xbm" ALT="AU"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-tar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-gtar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... x-compress => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="CMP"
AddIcon..... x-gzip => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="GZP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-index => SRC="index.xbm" ALT="IDX"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-cso => SRC="index2.xbm" ALT="CSO"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-telnet => SRC="telnet.xbm" ALT="TEL"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-duplicate => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="DUP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-tn3270 => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="TN"
Rule Add.... For `file:/icons/*' op 2 `file:/u/w3c-icons/*'
Event....... registering 60820d90
Event....... registering 608210a0
Alert Call.. Delete All callback functions
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60235e00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236830
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 602368f0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236a00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236bb0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236d20
Net Before.. Add 60236e80 with order 0 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 60236f20 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Request..... Created 1015f958
HTSimplify.. `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt' into
............ `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Find Parent. 101603e0 with hash 188 and address `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt' created
HTAccess.... Accessing document http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt
Net Before.. calling 60236e80 (request 1015f958, context 0)
Timer....... Created one shot timer 1015c940 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Net Before.. calling 6085b210 (request 1015f958, context 0)
Net Before.. calling 608738a0 (request 1015f958, context 0)
PEP Engine.. Looking for info on `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
PEP Engine.. No information
Net Before.. calling 6085bf20 (request 1015f958, context 0)
Auth Engine. Looking up `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Auth Engine. No information
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 6085b410 (request 1015f958, context 0)
Check rules. for `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Net Object.. 101631d8 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 1015f958 (retry=1) with net object 101631d8
HTTP........ Looking for `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
HTHost parse Looking up `MYHOST' on port 8080
Event....... Created event 10161da0 with context 10163cb8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161e00 with context 10163cb8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10161e20 with context 10163cb8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Host info... added `MYHOST' with host 10163cb8 to list 10160f68
Host connect Grabbing lock on Host 10163cb8 with 101631d8
Host info... Added Net 101631d8 (request 1015f958) to pipe on Host 10163cb8, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 10163cb8 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 10163cb8 going to state TCP_DNS.
DNS Add..... `MYHOST' with 1 home(s) to 10160fb8
ParseInet... as port 8080 on with 1 homes
HTHost 10163cb8 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 6
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 6
Channel..... Added 10163f98 to list 10161018
Reader...... Created reader stream 10163fd0
Socket...... TCP send buffer size is 61440 for socket 6
HTHost 10163cb8 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Event....... Register socket 6, request 1015f958 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_CONNECT at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_CONNECT
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 6
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161e40 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f118, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 6
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 45000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ :
............ WRITE: 6
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 45000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161e40 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f118, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 1015f958 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_WRITE
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
HTHost 10163cb8 going to state TCP_CONNECTED.
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161e40
Event....... No more events registered for socket 6
Event....... Reset MaxSock from 6 to 1
Event....... Socket 6 unregistered for HTEvent_CONNECT
HTHost 10163cb8 connected.
Host connect Unlocking Host 10163cb8
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/x-http to */*
Tee......... Created stream 10160b58 with resolver 60892e20
HTTP........ Dumping response to `w3chttp.out'
Tee......... Created stream 10160b88 with resolver 60892e20
HTTP........ Dumping request to `w3chttp.out'
HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers
HTTP........ Generating General Headers
Buffer...... Flushing 10162930
Write Socket 143 bytes written to 6
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 6
Event....... Register socket 6, request 1015f958 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_READ at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_READ
Event....... New value for MaxSock is 6
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10161ea0 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f140, and relative timeout 15000
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 38000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 38000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161ea0 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f140, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 1015f958 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Read Socket. 16528 bytes read from socket 6
Response.... Created 1017f0a8
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 10163cb8
Net Manager. 1 active sockets, increasing persistent sockets to 1
Host info... added host 10163cb8 as persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
HTAnchor.... Clear all header information
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/rfc822 to */*
Error....... Add   2	Severity: 8	Parameter: `OK'	Where: `HTTPNextState'
Host........ passing 17 bytes as consumed to 10163fd0
Host........ 16511 bytes remaining 
MIME header. Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:50:27 GMT
MIME header. Server: Apache/1.3.2 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.0b3
MIME header. Last-Modified: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:34:18 GMT
MIME header. ETag: "1da40e9-663c-375c029a"
MIME header. Accept-Ranges: bytes
MIME header. Content-Length: 26172
MIME header. Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
MIMEParser.. Timeout after 15 secs
MIMEParser.. Max 100 requests pr connection
MIME header. Connection: Keep-Alive
MIMEParser.. HTTP/1.0 Keep Alive ignored
MIME header. Content-Type: text/plain
HTAnchor.... Updating metainformation for 101603e0
Building.... C-T stack from text/plain to */*
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/plain to */*
StreamStack. Source output
Building.... Content-Decoding stack
Building.... Transfer-Decoding stack
Host........ passing 291 bytes as consumed to 10163fd0
Host........ 16220 bytes remaining 
Host........ passing 16220 bytes as consumed to 10163fd0
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
Event Loop.. calling select: maxfds is 6
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 20000 microsecs
Event Loop.. select returns 1
............ READ : 6
............ WRITE:
............ OOB  :
............ Timeout is 0 s, 20000 microsecs
Timer....... Found timer 10161ea0 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f140, and relative timeout 15000
EventOrder.. execute ordered events
EventList... calling socket 6, request 1015f958 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_READ
Host Event.. READ passed to `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Read Socket. 9952 bytes read from socket 6
Host........ passing 9952 bytes as consumed to 10163fd0
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
Read Socket. Target returns 200
HTTP Clean.. Called with status 200, net 101631d8
Net Object.. Delete 101631d8 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 101631d8 from pipe
Host Object. keeping persistent socket 6
Channel..... Delete 10163f98 with semaphore 1
MIME........ FREEING....
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 10163f98
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10161e40 with callback 6082cf90, context 10163cb8, and relative timeout 60000
Host........ Object 10163cb8 going idle...
Net Object.. Check for pending Net objects
Net Object.. Freeing object 101631d8
Net After... calling 6085c090 (request 1015f958, response 1017f0a8, status 200, context 0)
Net After... calling 60873a40 (request 1015f958, response 1017f0a8, status 200, context 0)
Net After... calling 6085b6e0 (request 1015f958, response 1017f0a8, status 200, context 0)
Load End.... OK: `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Net After... calling 60236f20 (request 1015f958, response 1017f0a8, status 200, context 0)
Timer....... Deleted active timer 1015c940
Request..... Delete 1015f958
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Response.... Delete 1017f0a8
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Before.. Delete 60236e80
Net After... Delete 60236f20
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Channel..... Delete 10163f98 with semaphore 0
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 0, 1 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 10163f98, socket 6
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
Event....... Deleted event 0
Timer....... Deleted active timer 10161e40
AnchorDelete Remove parent 101603e0 and children
HTAnchor.... Clear all header information
Host........ Setting event timeout to 15000 ms
User Profile Adding `LIBWWW_GENERIC_USER'
User Profile Localizing 1015d558
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
HostName.... sysinfo says `MYHOST'
HostName.... FQDN is `MYHOST'
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fd90
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850310
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084fe30
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 6084ffe0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850190
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60850250
Transport... Adding `tcp'
Transport... Adding `buffered_tcp'
Transport... Adding `local'
Protocol.... Adding `ftp'
Protocol.... Adding `nntp'
Protocol.... Adding `news'
Protocol.... Adding `gopher'
Protocol.... Adding `http'
Protocol.... Adding `file'
Protocol.... Adding `cache'
Protocol.... Adding `telnet'
Protocol.... Adding `tn3270'
Protocol.... Adding `rlogin'
Net Before.. Add 6085bf20 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 608738a0 with order 49150 tmplate `http://*' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b410 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net Before.. Add 6085b210 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 6085c000 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -401 context 0
Net After... Add 6085c000 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code -418 context 0
Net After... Add 60873a40 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 301 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 302 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 303 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b9d0 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 307 context 0
Net After... Add 6085c090 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 1 context 0
Net After... Add 6085bd20 with order 32767 tmplate `http://*' code 305 context 0
Net After... Add 6085b6e0 with order 49150 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Auth Engine. Found module 10159898
Auth Engine. Found module 101598b8
Proxy....... Looking for environment variables
Conversions. Adding 608585f0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608684e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608687e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868660 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608686e0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868760 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60868a20 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60866730 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6084e4f0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60871380 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887b00 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60887c30 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 60892d30 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d7d0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 6087d830 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608778a0 with quality 1.00
Conversions. Adding 608586a0 with quality 0.30
Codings..... Adding chunked with quality 1.00
Icon add.... BLANK => SRC="blank.xbm" ALT=""
Icon add.... DIRECTORY => SRC="directory.xbm" ALT="DIR"
Icon add.... PARENT => SRC="back.xbm" ALT="UP"
Icon add.... UNKNOWN => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... */* => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... binary => SRC="binary.xbm" ALT="BIN"
AddIcon..... www/unknown => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT=""
AddIcon..... text/* => SRC="text.xbm" ALT="TXT"
AddIcon..... image/* => SRC="image.xbm" ALT="IMG"
AddIcon..... video/* => SRC="movie.xbm" ALT="MOV"
AddIcon..... audio/* => SRC="sound.xbm" ALT="AU"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-tar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... multipart/x-gtar => SRC="tar.xbm" ALT="TAR"
AddIcon..... x-compress => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="CMP"
AddIcon..... x-gzip => SRC="compressed.xbm" ALT="GZP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-index => SRC="index.xbm" ALT="IDX"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-cso => SRC="index2.xbm" ALT="CSO"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-telnet => SRC="telnet.xbm" ALT="TEL"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-duplicate => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="DUP"
AddIcon..... application/x-gopher-tn3270 => SRC="unknown.xbm" ALT="TN"
Rule Add.... For `file:/icons/*' op 2 `file:/u/w3c-icons/*'
Event....... registering 60820d90
Event....... registering 608210a0
Alert Call.. Delete All callback functions
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60235e00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236830
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 602368f0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236a00
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236bb0
Alert Call.. Add Alert Handler 60236d20
Net Before.. Add 60236e80 with order 0 tmplate `<null>' context 0
Net After... Add 60236f20 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 0
Request..... Created 10177138
HTSimplify.. `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it' into
............ `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Find Parent. 10179da8 with hash 19 and address `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it' created
HTSimplify.. `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt' into
............ `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt'
Find Parent. 10179e38 with hash 188 and address `http://MYHOST:8080/data.plt' created
Link create. from anchor 10179da8 to 10179e38 with type NONE, method PUT
Net After... Add 6085ecf0 with order 0 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context 101788c8
ChunkStream. Chunk 10178fd8 created with max size 0
HTAccess.... Accessing document file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it
Net Before.. calling 60236e80 (request 10177138, context 0)
Timer....... Created one shot timer 10177d88 with callback 60235d00, context 0, and relative timeout 100
Net Before.. calling 6085b210 (request 10177138, context 0)
Net Before.. calling 6085b410 (request 10177138, context 0)
Check rules. for `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Net Before.. calling 6085b210 (request 10177138, context 0)
Net Before.. calling 6085b410 (request 10177138, context 0)
Check rules. for `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Net Object.. 10179ec8 created with hash 1
Net Object.. starting request 10177138 (retry=1) with net object 10179ec8
HTLoadFile.. Looking for `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Node........ `file:/usr/tmp/tp002a004it' means path `/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Event....... Created event 10177d68 with context 1017a4f8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10177da8 with context 1017a4f8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Event....... Created event 10177dc8 with context 1017a4f8, priority 20, and timeout 15000
Host info... added `localhost' with host 1017a4f8 to list 10178e28
Host info... Added Net 10179ec8 (request 10177138) to pipe on Host 1017a4f8, 1 requests made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
Load File... Found `/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
File mode is 0100660, uid=1004, gid=1000. My uid=1004, 1 groups ( 1000)
Anchor...... Get bindings for `/usr/tmp/tp002a004it'
Get Binding. No suffix found - using default '/tp002a004it'
Get Binding. Result for '/tp002a004it' is: type='www/unknown', encoding='binary', cte='7bit', language='unknown' with quality 0.50
HTFileOpen.. `/usr/tmp/tp002a004it' opened 5 as NON-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 5
Channel..... Added 10177258 to list 1017a030
Reader...... Created reader stream 1017f798
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for www/unknown to */*
Response.... Created 1017a7d0
Error....... Add   2	Severity: 8	Parameter: `Unspecified'	Where: `HTLoadFile'
HTLoadFile.. Returning
Event....... Register socket 5, request 10177138 handler 6082d030 type HTEvent_READ at priority 20
Event....... Registering socket for HTEvent_READ
Timer....... Created repetitive timer 10177e28 with callback 608200b0, context 10178940, and relative timeout 15000
Timer....... Found timer 10161ea0 with callback 608200b0, context 1015f140, and relative timeout 15000
Timer....... Dispatch timer 10161ea0
Event....... READ timed out on 6.
/u/rt8s[16]: 19385 Bus error(coredump)

Received on Thursday, 24 June 1999 11:53:29 UTC