RE: -902

Here is the log of a test that tried to PUT two buffers. The trace flags
are "sop". The same PUT subroutine was called both times. The first PUT
call succeded, and the second PUT call failed. Note that this server seems
to always respond "100 Continue", then "201 Created".  The second failed at
the point where the first successfully read the 201 response from the
server. The major difference seems to be:

(from PUT - 1)
HTTP........ Continuing
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 3
Uploading... Flushing 0x0d01b040 with timer 0x0d01c818
Posting Data from callback function
Posting Data Target is SAVED
Buffer...... Flushing 0x0d01c1c8
Write Socket 16 bytes written to 3
Host Event.. READ passed to
Read Socket. 341 bytes read from socket 3

(from PUT - 2)
HTTP........ Continuing
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 3
Request..... Delete 0x0d03d6c8
Net After. Delete All filters
Response.... Delete 0x0d03d8a0

My terminate handler prints

Request status = &ld

Notice that the second PUT does not call the terminate handler. I must
admit I'm stumped right now. I'll include the entire log herewith.

I sort of hate to mention this, but the bug could be timing related. I did
perform a test where both PUTs succeded, but I had placed quite a few
breakpoints in the code. When I removed them, deleted the files from the
server, and reran the test, this failure was the result.


********* PUT - 1 *********
Request..... Created 0x0d01add0
Net After... Add 0x0d0040b0 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1
context 0x00000000
HTAccess.... Accessing document
Net Before.. calling 0x0d0046f8 (request 0x0d01add0, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004700 (request 0x0d01add0, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d0046d0 (request 0x0d01add0, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004bc8 (request 0x0d01add0, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004708 (request 0x0d01add0, context 0x00000000)
Net Object.. 0x0d01b2d8 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 0x0d01add0 (retry=1) with net object
HTTP........ Looking for
HTDoConnect. Looking up `'
Event....... Created event 0x0d01b0e8 with context 0x0d01bdd0, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0x0d01be78 with context 0x0d01bdd0, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0x0d01be98 with context 0x0d01bdd0, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Host info... added `' with host 0x0d01bdd0 to list 0x0d01b068
Host info... Add Net 0x0d01b2d8 (request 0x0d01add0) to pipe, 1 requests
made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 going to state TCP_DNS.
DNS Add..... `' with 1 home(s) to 0x0d01bfd0
ParseInet... as port 80 on with 1 homes
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 3
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 3
Channel..... Added 0x0d01c180 to list 0x0d01c170
Reader...... Created reader stream 0x0d034590
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Host Event.. WRITE passed to
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 going to state TCP_CONNECTED.
HTHost 0x0d01bdd0 connected.
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/x-http to */*
Tee......... Created stream 0x0d01c778 with resolver 0x0d004d40
HTTP........ Dumping request to `w3chttp.out'
HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers
HTTP........ Generating General Headers
MIME........ Generating Entity Headers
Buffer...... Flushing 0x0d01c1c8
Write Socket 294 bytes written to 3
Uploading... Holding 0x0d01b040 for 2000 ms using time 0x0d01c818
Read Socket. 89 bytes read from socket 3
Response.... Created 0x0d01c8a8
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 0x0d01bdd0
Net Manager. 1 active sockets, increasing persistent sockets to 1
Host info... added host 0x0d01bdd0 as persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/x-rfc822-cont to
Host........ passing 23 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 66 bytes remaining
MIME header. Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0
MIME header. Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 19:57:56 GMT
Host........ passing 66 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 0 bytes remaining
MIME........ FREEING....
Read Socket. CONTINUE
HTTP........ Continuing
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 3
Uploading... Flushing 0x0d01b040 with timer 0x0d01c818
Posting Data from callback function
Posting Data Target is SAVED
Buffer...... Flushing 0x0d01c1c8
Write Socket 16 bytes written to 3
Host Event.. READ passed to
Read Socket. 341 bytes read from socket 3
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 0x0d01bdd0
Host info... 0x0d01bdd0 already persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/rfc822 to www/debug
Error....... Add   3    Severity: 8 Parameter: `Created'    Where:
Host........ passing 22 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 319 bytes remaining
MIME header. Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0
MIME header. Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 19:57:58 GMT
MIME header. Location:
MIME header. Content-Type: text/html
MIME header. Content-Length: 87
Building.... C-T stack from text/html to www/debug
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/html to www/debug
BlackHole... Converter Created
Building.... Content-Decoding stack
Building.... Transfer-Decoding stack
Host........ passing 232 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 87 bytes remaining
Host........ passing 87 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 0 bytes remaining
Read Socket. Target returns 200
HTTP Clean.. Called with status 201, net 0x0d01b2d8
Net Object.. Delete 0x0d01b2d8 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 0x0d01b2d8 from pipe
Host Object. keeping persistent socket 3
Channel..... Delete 0x0d01c180 with semaphore 1
MIME........ FREEING....
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 0x0d01c180
Host........ Object 0x0d01bdd0 going idle...
Net Object.. Remove object 0x0d01b2d8
Net After... calling 0x0d0040b0 (request 0x0d01add0, response 0x0d01c8a8,
status 201, context 0x00000000)
Request status = 201
Net After... calling 0x0d004bc0 (request 0x0d01add0, response 0x0d01c8a8,
status 201, context 0x00000000)
Net After... calling 0x0d0046e8 (request 0x0d01add0, response 0x0d01c8a8,
status 201, context 0x00000000)
Load End.... Request ended with code 201
Request..... Delete 0x0d01add0
Net After. Delete All filters
Response.... Delete 0x0d01c8a8
********* PUT - 2 *********
Request..... Created 0x0d03d6c8
Net After... Add 0x0d0040b0 with order 65535 tmplate `<null>' code 1
context 0x00000000
HTAccess.... Accessing document
Net Before.. calling 0x0d0046f8 (request 0x0d03d6c8, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004700 (request 0x0d03d6c8, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d0046d0 (request 0x0d03d6c8, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004bc8 (request 0x0d03d6c8, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
Net Before.. calling 0x0d004708 (request 0x0d03d6c8, context 0x00000000)
Net Object.. 0x0d03e3b0 created with hash 1
Net Object.. starting request 0x0d03d6c8 (retry=1) with net object
HTTP........ Looking for
HTDoConnect. Looking up `'
Host info... REUSING CHANNEL 0x0d01c180
Host info... Add Net 0x0d03e3b0 (request 0x0d03d6c8) to pipe, 2 requests
made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
Channel..... Semaphore increased to 1 for channel 0x0d01c180
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/x-http to */*
Tee......... Created stream 0x0d01b2e8 with resolver 0x0d004d40
HTTP........ Dumping request to `w3chttp.out'
HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers
HTTP........ Generating General Headers
MIME........ Generating Entity Headers
Buffer...... Flushing 0x0d01c1c8
Write Socket 283 bytes written to 3
Uploading... Holding 0x0d01c848 for 2000 ms using time 0x0d03d880
Read Socket. 89 bytes read from socket 3
Response.... Created 0x0d03d8a0
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 0x0d01bdd0
Host info... 0x0d01bdd0 already persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/x-rfc822-cont to
Host........ passing 23 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 66 bytes remaining
MIME header. Server: Microsoft-IIS/4.0
MIME header. Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 19:58:00 GMT
Host........ passing 66 bytes as consumed to 0x0d034590
Host........ 0 bytes remaining
MIME........ FREEING....
Read Socket. CONTINUE
HTTP........ Continuing
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 3
Request..... Delete 0x0d03d6c8
Net After. Delete All filters
Response.... Delete 0x0d03d8a0
********* HTProfile_delete() *********
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Object.. Killing 0x0d03e3b0
Error....... Add  59    Severity: 1 Parameter: `Unspecified'    Where:
HTTP Clean.. Called with status -902, net 0x0d03e3b0
Buffer...... ABORTING...
FileWriter.. ABORTING...
Net Object.. Delete 0x0d03e3b0 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 0x0d03e3b0 from pipe
Host Object. keeping persistent socket 3
Channel..... Delete 0x0d01c180 with semaphore 1
Buffer...... ABORTING...
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 0x0d01c180
Host........ Object 0x0d01bdd0 going idle...
Net Object.. Remove object 0x0d03e3b0
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 0, 1 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 0x0d01c180, socket 3

Received on Monday, 21 December 1998 16:36:28 UTC