post form example

I have now worked with the post example found in
I suggest to change a few minor things in the program:
in the terminate_handler function I suggest to change the fprintf
to print a string as in the following because if the result contains
a '%' then it isn't printed.

    if (status == HT_LOADED && result && HTChunk_data(result)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s", HTChunk_data(result));

Furthermore I suggest to change the HTEscape function calles to use
URL_XALPHAS instead of URL_XPALPHAS as a form value may be "1+2".

If this mailing list isn't the right place to post this information
then please diret me to the correct location.

|Henrik K. Berle                    | Email :      |
|TERMA Elektronik AS                | Voice : +45 45949400       |
|Bregneroedvej 144                  | Fax   : +45 45949699       |
|DK-3460 Birkeroed, Denmark         | Direct: +45 45949679       |

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 1998 07:20:31 UTC