leave HTEventList_loop back to application?

Hi everybody!

I would like to do a single POST request (into a chunk) and after its completion continue with the application that initiated the request..
A POST request apparently doesn't work using a preemptive client, so I have to use a NoCache-client, define a callback function with HTNet_addAfter() and start the HTEventList_loop(). (I got this by modifying the source code of the command line tool, i.e. keeping just the few parts I needed)
In the callback function I convert the chunk into a string and would be ready to go on with the application, but I never get back into it. I tried to stop the loop by calling HTEventList_stopLoop() in the callback function, but it didn't have any noticable effect.

Does anybody know how to do this or has some experience with that kind of problem?

Thanks in advance,

Markus Steindl

Received on Monday, 3 August 1998 15:26:45 UTC