Re: is libwww thread safe?

At 11:33 3/23/98 -0500, Krishna Vedati wrote:

>I am currently working with pthreads and semi-emulation of Pthreads on NT
>(conditional variable and cond_signals) and w3lib. I am willing to post
>patches to w3-lib. My only concern is I am not very well versed with all
>of w3lib. Henrik, if you can point out exactly which modules I need to
>concentrate on, I can take a stab at it. Also I need to understand how HTHost
>event loop works. I am very confused about how Keep-alive connections

Sounds great! I will try and come up with some notes by tonight. This is
really encouraging!

> Also with 5.1j POST behavior is changed. Are there any plans to update
>the docs and may be develop more(simple) example apps and possibly a
tutorial. I am
>willing to help if a bunch of us can get together and start on a tutorial.
>can mail me all the small examples/apps you have developed with w3lib. I can
>compile a beginner's guide perhaps!

That would be very useful indeed - maybe some explanations from people
using it on how to and how not to. I would be happy to provide any
resources like web site place etc.

I have tried to use the three examples apps (the robot, command line tool,
and line mode browser) as real life tools instead of just demo tools. I
think that this is the only way to ensure that they are up to date. We are
actually using them for maintaining our web site around here. However, it
would be very useful to extend this list!

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen,
World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Monday, 23 March 1998 11:52:47 UTC