Inconsistent libwww (bug?)

Hi all!

I tried to add the html-to-plain conversion facility to w3c (ComLine)
but the linker complains:

ld: Undefined symbol

after declaring:

    HTConversion_add(conv,"*/*","www/plain", HTMLToPlain, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

The functions listed above as undefined are called mainly in file HTML.c,
but also in other source files of the WWW library, but never defined.

Am I missing something?  Are there other modules of the library that I
should load and compile more than libwww_src.tar.gz?

I use version 4.0D for both ComLine (w3c) utility and WWW library.

Many thanks in advance for any clue!

Mihai Lazarescu

Mihai Teodor LAZARESCU               Ph.D. student
  Voice: + 39 (0)11 564 5128      |  Polytechnic of Turin
  Fax  : + 39 (0)11 564 4134      |  Electronics & Communic. Department
  email:      |  Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 |  10129 TORINO, ITALY

Received on Monday, 15 April 1996 11:34:30 UTC