when the next release?

Hi all,

I have tried for almost one week to make the current version of w3c lib
to work in Windows NT as DLL, but unfortunatly I failed and I decide to
give it up.

I hope the next release will REALLY works on Windows NT as DLL, but
when is the next release?

Tao Jiang    E40-369, CECI, MIT
phone:        (617)-253-3514(o)  (617)-576-9665 (h)
email:        jiangt@ceci.mit.edu.cn,   jiang@mccux0.mech.pku.edu.cn
URL:       http://www.mech.pku.edu.cn,    gopher://gopher.mech.pku.edu.cn

Received on Friday, 22 December 1995 08:51:53 UTC