Re: Jigsaw's cache mecanism

On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, Julianne Freire de Sousa Pepeu wrote:

> Why two CacheFilter classes (w3c.jigsaw.filters.CacheFilter and
> w3c.www.protocol.http.cache.CacheFilter)? Are both classes actually used?
> In which circunstances each of them may be used?

The first CacheFilter is a server-side filter which caches the replies 
generated by the server, if you have a Resource that generate a page very 
slowly, you can use this filter to cache it for some time.
The second cache (w3c.www.protocol.http.cache.CacheFilter) is a 
client-side filter which caches the replies generated by the client, for 
example in the proxy.

> Since  w3c.www.protocol.http.cache.CacheFilter class doesn't seem to be
> a filter, it cannot work coupled to a resource, does it? In this case,
> why does this class have the ingoingFilter e outgoingFilter methods?

It is a filter! But a client-side one, you may also notice an exception 
filter which is used in ProxyDispatcher, for example. (See the "Client 
Side Components" part of the documentation).

> Is it possible to use the proxy coupled if the cache mecanism disabled?
> How to disable it?

By default, the proxy doesn't use the cache, to use the cache, or ICP, or 
ProxyDipatcher (or any hand-made client-side filter), you should add it 
from the Proxy property sheet, or set directly the 
w3c.www.protocol.http.filters property in the server props file (it is 
better to add the filters via the configuration interface).

      /\        E tae koe ki Aotearoa kaua e whawhai; e u koe ki uta,
  /\ /  \       kei mahi ki tai ki Tu, puhia he angina; e mau ki tai
 /  \    \/\    ki Noho, he huhu, he pepe, he hanehane.
/    \   /  \        - Yves Lafon - W3C / INRIA - -

Received on Monday, 30 June 1997 05:02:32 UTC