Re: Security Interface

On Fri, 20 Jun 1997, Ron Bolin wrote:

> Is there a password cgi or object for the Admin interface to Jigsaw?
> If one accesses the default www port, they get the ability to
> access the Admin interface.

One of the first thing to do when you install a jigsaw server is to 
protect the Admin part of the server by adding a GenericAuthFilter on the 
Admin directory. (See the Jigsaw configuration tutorial for more info

      /\        E tae koe ki Aotearoa kaua e whawhai; e u koe ki uta,
  /\ /  \       kei mahi ki tai ki Tu, puhia he angina; e mau ki tai
 /  \    \/\    ki Noho, he huhu, he pepe, he hanehane.
/    \   /  \        - Yves Lafon - W3C / INRIA - -

Received on Monday, 23 June 1997 03:51:23 UTC